Design Interviews

Three successful iscd grads: Where are they now?

Sponsored by iscd (International School of Colour and Design)

If you’re looking to become an interior designer, there’s no denying that the International School of Colour and Design (iscd) is one of Australia’s pre-eminent places to study. From colour theory to technical skills (including AutoCAD and Sketch Up), and exposure to industry professionals, its Diploma in Interior Design (MSF50218), offers everything you need to launch your career.

But rather than get into the nitty gritty of course specifics, we thought it would be much more interesting to catch up with some successful iscd alumni to see how the experience prepared them for their careers in design.

From working for one of Australia’s most celebrated interior designers to running one of Instagram’s favourite (and always booked out) holiday houses, to changing careers from the Air Force to design, these alumni prove there are many ways an iscd qualification can help you create your dream job.

Caine Hodder
With a background in finance and logistics for the Royal Australian Defence Force, Caine Hodder is an unlikely interior designer. “I had always had an interest in design and followed design pages and magazines,” says Caine who has completed three courses with iscd including the Certificate IV in Design (CUV40311), Industry Diploma of Interior Styling and Industry Diploma of Colour Design.

Caine Hodder
Caine Hodder

“My experience at iscd left me feeling confident and well equipped to move into the industry,” says Caine who believes the qualifications were pivotal in securing initial employment. “Having trained through iscd was definitely an advantage in applying for jobs. It’s highly regarded in the design industry.”

Since graduating, Caine has assisted Crystal Bailey & Co on activewear queen Lorna Jane Clarkson’s Byron Bay beach house, and recently started his own company, Caine Anthony Design. He offers design and colour solutions, for clients wanting to update their homes, as well as property styling for sale and Airbnb renovations. “One career highlight was when my Bondi bachelor pad project was featured on Interiors Addict earlier this year,” says Caine.

Caine's Bondi bachelor pad project
Caine’s Bondi bachelor pad project

Lisa Dingelmaier
Long-time readers may remember the talented Lisa Dingelmaier. She was the recipient of an Interiors Addict/iscd scholarship some years ago – a win that gave her invaluable exposure to the industry and ultimately a job with Greg Natale, one of the judges.

Kicking off with a styling course at iscd, Lisa then completed interior design studies (via a partial scholarship) while working for Greg on a part-time basis. She now works full-time for the high end Sydney designer. “My time at iscd definitely prepared me for the industry. We worked on real-life briefs, from start to finish, and the experience was very practical,” says Lisa who has enjoyed an exciting career since graduating.

“As for career highlights, we brought out a book last year and I worked on that for a few years which was really exciting. We’re also opening a store in Potts Point which I’ve been a big part of. I’ve also been lucky enough to meet loads of well-known designers and obviously the projects I get to work on are amazing!”

You can get a video glimpse into a day in the life of Lisa here.

Simone Mathews
Simone Mathews’ design career evolved in reverse – she worked in real estate and the building industry before undertaking design studies at iscd to consolidate her skill set. “You could say I started the opposite way around. I learnt on the job and then studied to further develop my skills and knowledge,” says Simone who found being taught by industry professionals was an invaluable experience.

Simone Mathews
Simone Mathews

“What I love about my iscd qualifications is that I was not just textbook ready, I was industry ready. I left with my business systems set up, procedures in place, and a database of suppliers and materials. Without iscd I wouldn’t have had the confidence to launch straight into my career as a designer,” says Simone who completed a Certificate IV in Interior Decoration (MSF40113) before moving onto the Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration (MSF50213), juggling her studies around work and family life.

Her studies ultimately culminated in the establishment of her boutique accommodation business, SOUL of Gerringong. The property has been the subject of much design buzz and has featured in QANTAS magazine and on the cover of Country Style.

SOUL of Gerringong
SOUL of Gerringong

“My goal with SOUL was to create a place that I could share with everyone. So, each and every time guests tell me that they love being in the space, that is success to me. And of course, seeing SOUL on the front cover of Country Style magazine and featured by QANTAS was a huge moment for me personally,” says Simone.

SOUL of Gerringong
SOUL of Gerringong

For more information about iscd’s Interior Design courses and alumni stories

*Delivered on behalf of Academy of Information Technology ABN 35 094 133 641; RTO 90511; CRICOS 02155J


This iscd grad left banking for a career in design

Sponsored by iscd (International School of Colour and Design)

Interior designer Romain Dossou-Yovo was in his late thirties and longing for a career change when he enrolled at iscd while juggling a full time job in investment banking. And with the corporate world a distant memory, Romain is now a successful interior designer and we caught up with him recently to get the skinny on his unconventional career path.

Romain Dossou-Yovo
Interior designer Romain Dossou-Yovo

“I decided to enrol at iscd as it allowed me to discover many areas of the design industry. It’s also a very hands-on program with instructors that are highly regarded in the industry – I always felt anything was possible thanks to their support and knowledge. And most importantly for me, the school offered great flexibility with its time table,” says Romain who worked while studying towards a career in interior design.

Powder room concept
Romain’s powder room concept for an upcoming Sydney project. Image courtesy of Greta Unkuri Interiors.

A far cry from a career in design, Romain started out his working life in media and advertising before working for an investment bank. “None of those jobs were satisfying. I knew from the very first classes at iscd that I was supposed to be working in the design industry. For the first time I felt alive and as if I could be myself,” says Romain who graduated from his interior design course in July 2017 with top honours.

“Everything went so fast after graduating. I snapped up an internship at Inside Out magazine the following month and right after that I became an interior designer for two studios,” says Romain who now works on residential projects at Greta Unkuri Interiors and commercial ones at Kelly Ross. “I am blessed to have such talented, inspiring and clever directors. These two women have had a huge impact on my life and I will be forever grateful for the amazing opportunities they have given me,” says Romain.

A kitchen concept by Romain
A kitchen concept by Romain. Image courtesy of Greta Unkuri Interiors.

But while Romain’s journey sounds rather charmed, he is careful to remind me that it’s the result of plenty of hard work. “Let’s not forget that many people want to become interior designers. You are competing with a huge number of graduates to get a job at a studio or design firm.” Recent statistics do suggest however that it’s a growth industry which will provide increasing job opportunities by 2020. Romain adds: “I believe iscd did a great job at giving me the foundation and an understanding of the design industry. However, like any industry, you must be curious and strive to push your boundaries, and put yourself out there. This is key if you want to be ahead of the game. Aspiring designers should beware that the industry requires hard work, dedication and perseverance.”

You can study the iscd Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration in 12 months on campus (Sydney or Melbourne) or over 24 months from anywhere online. The next iscd online intake is scheduled for February while the on campus options begin in March this year. If you’re interested in finding out more about the course, the school has open days coming up soon in Sydney (Saturday February 2 at 10am) and Melbourne (Tuesday February 5 at 6pm). For more.

*The iscd courses are delivered on behalf of Academy of Information Technology ABN 35 094 133 641; RTO 90511; CRICOS 02155J; iscd RTO91439.