Interiors Addict

10 secrets to striking gold when op shopping for your home

By Claudia Stephenson

Previously on Interiors Addict, I shared my top op shop finds. People often ask me what my secret is, so I thought it could be useful to give you my top 10 tips:

1. Don’t limit yourself to one area. Of course I have my favourite stores that usually deliver some kind of delight each visit, but when I have time, I travel all over Sydney, to the Blue Mountains and up to the Central Coast. Just because it’s in a nice area doesn’t mean there will be better stuff: cast your net wide!

2. Keep going back. The reason I tend to find great stuff is because I keep going back. Don’t be put off if you go somewhere and find nothing the first go, chances are you will if you are persistent. I tend to visit at least one store per week, even if it’s on my way home from work, I always find time to pop in.

3. Take your time. I took a girlfriend once and she scanned the room once and gave up, whereas I always scour every shelf and corner. I once found (and bought) an Hermes ashtray tucked up at the back of a bottom shelf amongst some cheap white plates. I paid $3…