Designers DIY Expert Tips

Upcycled desk ideas: from drab to fab for under $100

By Naomi Findlay

We’ve probably never looked more closely at our desks and home offices than we are now.

Have you previously worked on the lounge, at the coffee table or maybe even the kitchen bench? Now you may find yourself in the position where you’re having to work from home on a more regular basis and suddenly your desk and storage has become a focus, as has how you feel when you are working.

At the same time, not everyone is in a position to go and splash out on a beautiful big new desk, so I have a challenge for you. I want you to look around you for a fixer-upper. It might be the desk you already have, maybe one on Facebook Marketplace or Gumtree, a roadside find or from an op shop like Vinnie’s. See if you can find a desk that is the perfect project for you.

BEFORE: This op shop find was pretty bland

Here’s my how-to so when you find that desk, you know exactly what to do and what you need. The desk pictured is one I recently did up for a client. I got it from a local Lifeline store for around $50 and took it from bland to sensational!

What you need

  • 1 litre of Porter’s Chalk Emulsion in French Slate
  • Small roller tray or roller pot
  • Small roller
  • Medium paintbrush
  • Sanding pad/sponge (flexible is good for the curved shapes)
  • A sharp edge
  • Baby wipes
  • Dry clean cloth
  • Screwdriver
  • New handles
  • Wax
  • Wax brush

How to do it

Remove the drawers

Remove the hardware

Clean any obvious dirt and high grease areas.

Use the sharp edge and baby wipes to get the old wax, grease and years of dirt out of the finer detail on the desk, this will allow for the new paint to sit right into the details rather than on top of the old gunk, making for a sharper and more refined final product.

Use the sanding sponge to give the whole desk a sand, making sure that you get right into the corners and the routed details. The flexible sanding sponge also makes sanding the round legs easier.

Use a clean dry paint brush to then dust all of the sanding dust out of the detailed areas and also the ornate rose area and drawers. You can also vacuum out the drawers if you have one handy.

Then wipe down with a clean and dry cloth to make sure you are ready for your first coat.

Apply the Porter’s Chalk Emulsion using a paintbrush for the detailed areas and then a roller over the top. This allows for a flawless finish.

Once the first coat has dried (approx 2 hours) do a very light sand and then apply a second coat.

Once the final coat is fully dry, get a fine grade sanding pad and very minimally distress the edges and the details on the desk.

Always stand back and reassess this as you go. Start super light!

Once you are happy with the level of distressing, use a tiny amount of antique black wax on the rose motif to give it some depth and definition. Finish it all off with a clear wax covering over the whole piece.

Finally, attach your new handles.

This was such a simple but amazing makeover. The desk was not an antique which meant that the drawers slid with a lot of clearance and hence I was able to paint the drawer side and also inside the drawers. This always looks better if it doesn’t affect the function of the drawers.

This really is simple and achievable for all levels of experience. All you need is some time (it is something you can do with the kids), some know-how (now you have it!) and the want to surround yourself in beauty, starting with your desk.

See more of Naomi’s projects

Expert Tips Furniture

How to mix vintage furniture with modern: expert tips

By Alexandra Ganipeau

My heart truly flutters with anticipation every time I enter my favourite or discover a new op shop or auction house. There is something addictive about searching for and hopefully finding, a new favourite new old thing, a great bargain or a perfect unique piece. All homes should have a few vintage pieces as they soften and give some curious and unique character to any interior.


They are always plentiful and easy to find. Small ones can be purchased cheaply but often have an interesting appeal and work so well in any décor or any room.

I adore a large old mirror against a wall on the floor in a bedroom or a living room, or any room for that matter. It creates a focal point and I believe can be a piece of artwork on its own.

An old mirror, even in a modern bathroom above the sink, suddenly gives a sense of drama to the room. I went a little bit miror-obsessed for a while and ended up with these cuties everywhere.


Finding art seems to be the most difficult part of furnishing a home for most of us. As much as I would love to be buying from artists, the price tags unfortunately often stop me. I am not a fan at all of generic posters you can find in big chain stores. Decorating with vintage artwork has become a fun, creative and inexpensive way to give interest to any of the rooms in my home, even the kids’ bedrooms.

I often find unframed pieces, which I really like and I believe look amazing on the piano, on a small stack of books, or bundled if you have many. Go for it instinctively; once you find a style of paintings you like, you will soon develop a collection that will really work and give so much interest to your room. It does take time; ones doesn’t just go shopping for any vintage artwork, but when you see one you like at a price that suits you, do not hesitate. It probably won’t stay up for grabs for very long.


Oh, do I love an old chair! A bit like with art, when it was time to get chairs, I simply couldn’t afford a set of the ones I liked, so I bought one of a kind here and one of a kind there until I had more chairs than I could fit around the table !

Old and non-matching chairs are now found everywhere and my house truly plays musical chairs! They have been used as bedside tables, bathroom utility, living room décor items, bag holders in the entrance. The possibilities are endless and since I’m not precious about them, they can absolutely go outside when we have a big gathering of friends.


There is a “je ne sais quoi” about an old frame that always seems to grab my attention. I love them empty, damaged even. A modern little piece of artwork looks darling in an old frame, so do childrens’ drawings. They are also the perfect short term solution to anything that you want to display. Taking a work of art or a photo to be framed professionally is quite an investment, you want to be sure you will be happy with it for a while, I am afraid there are many photos or children’s drawings especially that I won’t commit to for very long.

So often I have had the best intentions of repairing these old frames, or using them to actually display an image but somehow, most of them end up living a life on a shelf looking spectacularly empty and gloriously unrestored.

— Alexandra is the owner of The Roaming Atelier, an interior decorating company that focuses on using the beautiful, sentimental pieces you already have, to make your home as unique as your family.

Photography of Alexandra’s home by Kate Collingwood

Love her look? Check out her kids’ bedrooms.

Interiors Addict

10 secrets to striking gold when op shopping for your home

By Claudia Stephenson

Previously on Interiors Addict, I shared my top op shop finds. People often ask me what my secret is, so I thought it could be useful to give you my top 10 tips:

1. Don’t limit yourself to one area. Of course I have my favourite stores that usually deliver some kind of delight each visit, but when I have time, I travel all over Sydney, to the Blue Mountains and up to the Central Coast. Just because it’s in a nice area doesn’t mean there will be better stuff: cast your net wide!

2. Keep going back. The reason I tend to find great stuff is because I keep going back. Don’t be put off if you go somewhere and find nothing the first go, chances are you will if you are persistent. I tend to visit at least one store per week, even if it’s on my way home from work, I always find time to pop in.

3. Take your time. I took a girlfriend once and she scanned the room once and gave up, whereas I always scour every shelf and corner. I once found (and bought) an Hermes ashtray tucked up at the back of a bottom shelf amongst some cheap white plates. I paid $3…


Peep My Style’s best op shop furniture finds

By Claudia Stephenson

Firstly, thank you for having me on Interiors Addict, Jen! For those of you who have visited me at Peep My Style, you’ll know I’ve been an avid op shopper for about 10 years. In that time, I have come across the most incredible finds, like this dining set complete with 6 Chippendale chairs (they were selling the whole lot for $160), but unfortunately I got there one minute too late! 


But that same day I found my pride and joy: this gold dining table base. It originally came with a big hexagonal smoked glass top (you will be glad to know I left it at the shop) and I eventually found a large slab of marble to top it off, which works perfectly with it. 


Interiors Addict

Grab a vintage homewares bargain online with the new Salvos Stores on eBay

I’m delighted to be a brand ambassador, alongside The Living Room’s Barry du Bois, for the new My Salvos Stores eBay shop.

Barry Du Bois
The Living Room’s Barry du Bois

Do you love furnishing your home with unique, affordable items but don’t always have the time to go out and rummage through op shops and speciality stores to find them? My Salvos Stores has the perfect solution. Access recycled homewares and furniture at your fingertips by shopping online at My Salvos Stores’ new eBay shop, with all proceeds going to The Salvation Army. Now you can shop online for great quality recycled goods whilst also helping a good cause.