
If you go to one Christmas shopping event, make it this one!

Admittedly I’m a bit Christmas crazy, but it’s events like these that get me particularly excited!

The-Big-Design-Market-Interiors Addict

Held from Friday 5 to Sunday 7 December, The Big Design Market in Melbourne’s iconic Royal Exhibition Building will feature over 200 stallholders selling originally designed and ethically produced homewares, textiles, fashion, stationery, lifestyle and toys.

Independent designers include: Beci Orpin with her new homewares range Arro Home, Fold Theory’s cardboard furniture, Little Green Room’s plywood PlayCubes, The Mod Collective’s porcelain-ware, Volker Haug’s beautiful lighting fixtures and Papillionaire Bicycles’ retro-style bikes.

the big design market interiors addict

A relaxed shopping environment, The Big Design Market will feature a gourmet food line-up, lounge areas for recharging between shopping stints and a kids’ play area with free activities. There will also be free creative workshops, hosted by stallholders, so visitors can get creative with designers and make something special to take home too!

The-Big-Design-Market-Interiors Addict

Founded by artist and designer Simon Obarzanek, The Big Design Market is a unique annual pop-up retail event that allows visitors to pick up various coveted designer pieces in the one place, just in time for Christmas. And what’s even better? Admittance is only $2 for adults and for kids 12 and under, it’s free!

For more information.