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6 great upgrades to make your home more energy-efficient

Upgrading your home to be more energy-efficient is in your best interest. By adding solutions geared at conserving energy, you’ll not only be protecting the environment, you’ll be saving lots of money in the long run. In contrast to conventional homes, energy-efficient ones limit unnecessary energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, conserve energy and reduce the demand for non-renewable resources. All in all, it’s worth making your home energy-efficient! Here are six smart tips to help you do it.


  1. Replace your windows

If your windows are old, consider replacing them with energy-efficient alternatives or improve their efficiency with weather-stripping and storm windows. In general, replacing windows just to save energy isn’t that cost-effective – one source claims that it saves you 7-to-24% off your heating or air-conditioning bills. That is, unless your windows are large and single-glazed. Otherwise, it’s good to consider energy-efficient options once you’re replacing your windows for other reasons as well – that’s when the change becomes cost-effective.

  1. Insulate your home


Proper insulation is key to saving energy. Without it, you risk letting out a lot of your heat during the cold winter months – and we all know that heating bills are high. Make sure to have good insulation – blown-in insulation for your walls or weather-stripping. Remember that the expertise of the contractor is more important than the insulating material you use – it’s the installation that matters most here.

  1. Think about solar panels

Solar panels are costly, but they’re a great investment. You can easily have them installed on your rooftop and enjoy reduced electricity bills by producing your own electricity. Even if the initial price seems quite high, solar panels are cost-effective. Still, they’re not such a popular solution in many regions of the world – but it’s very likely that this will change in the near future.

  1. Choose your appliances wisely

If you’re about to get some new appliances for your home, look for those with the HE logo. Certified appliances use less energy, and while they will cost you a bit more, they’re simply a smart investment. You’ll be running them very often, if not all day long, so expect to save on your electricity bills over time. Even when choosing energy-efficient appliances, it’s a good idea to limit their use. Avoid overusing your heater during winter, keep your thermostat at a certain level instead of changing it all the time and turn some appliances off when you’re not using them.

  1. Use compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs)


Instead of incandescence light bulbs, go for the energy-efficient alternatives. If you settle for the old style of light bulbs expect to use much more energy than you have to. Sure, the CFLs are more expensive, but in the end they’ll help you save money on your electricity bill. Also, they last 12 times longer than regular light bulbs.

  1. Revamp your garden

Smart landscaping can be of great help in making your home more energy-efficient. By planting trees, you’ll protect your home from intense sun during the summer and during winter, your trees will act as a smart remedy against cold winds, helping you to conserve all the heat generated in your home.

Making your home energy-efficient is simply worth it – you’ll protect the environment, reduce your carbon footprint and enjoy innovative energy solutions that will only add value to your property.

— Lori Gardner is an experienced property advisor at Performance Property where she helps customers find and purchase the home of their dreams.