
Clever hacks to make the most of a small kitchen

A small kitchen space can sometimes seem like the bugbear of your renovation plans. Not enough room to achieve what you want to achieve. Minimal storage. Subdued styling options. It doesn’t have to be that way however. Thanks to the surge in small living spaces, a small kitchen no longer needs to be the bane of your renovation plans.

We’ve rounded up 4 of the best clever hacks to make the most of a small kitchen, regardless of its proportions.

Clever hacks to make the most of a small kitchenImage source: House Beautiful

Clever hacks to make the most of a small kitchen

1. Utilise every available surface – It seems like a no brainer but when wall space is at a premium, you need to make the most of every single centimetre available. Assess your kitchen and if you’ve got a bare wall space, work out what you could do with it. Whether it’s installing small shelves, a pegboard for hanging pots and pans or even a series of hooks to hang utensils can mean less clutter and more useable space.

Clever hacks to make the most of a small kitchenImage source: Inspired By Charm

2. Make the most of your dimensions – Deep drawers and cabinets or shelves that stretch to the ceiling are a small kitchens best pal. The deeper the draw, the more storage capacity and with the use of rolling shelves, a lazy susan or two and a tiered storage system, you really can stash more than you thought was possible. Likewise, if you’re installing new cabinets, make sure they stretch all the way to the ceiling. If you’ve already got cabinets in place that stop prematurely, consider adding a shelf/shelves or even a series of storage baskets to make the best use of this otherwise empty space.

Clever hacks to make the most of a small kitchenImage source: Apartment Therapy

3. Employ visual tricks – Making your space appear larger and less confined is the name of the game for the small kitchen. Employing a neural colour palette and minimising clutter is helpful but to really pack a punch, consider one of the oldest tricks in the book; mirrored surfaces. A reflective or mirrored splashback or panel can make your kitchen appear much, much larger than it actually is, without any need for dramatic renovations.

Clever hacks to make the most of a small kitchenImage source: The Splashback Co

4. Multi-purpose it – Multi-purpose surfaces and appliances help you to make the most of limited space. If choosing new appliances, look for ones that have multiple functionalities like a sink with built in chopping board or food processor that does it all. If your appliances are already in place, consider how you could integrate more functionality to the space. Could you add a chopping surface over your dish drainer or install an incinerator within the sink to minimise the need for a large garbage bin?

Clever hacks to make the most of a small kitchenImage source: Pinterest

Design Expert Tips Kitchens RENO ADDICT

8 small kitchen design tips

When you only have a small kitchen it can be challenging to squeeze everything you want into it, whilst still being a comfortable and enjoyable space you want to spend time in. Here are my eight top tips for making it work for you.


1. Keep it light and bright. This will make the space appear larger in scale. Solid, lighter colours for cabinets and benches will help to reflect light into every corner and keep things simple and tidy.

2. When in a really small property consider making the kitchen look like part of the furniture. By doing a few small things you can integrate the kitchen into your living space rather than having it as just a utility space. Some tips include integrating the appliances to give a more seamless look, and making the kitchen less busy by fitting only the base cupboards with handles and opting for handle-less touch catches on the upper cabinetry. Even consider having the whole kitchen, including the bench top space, encased in a single wall of cabinetry that can open when needed and be shut off when not in use.

3. Multi-purpose everything. Choose a sink that comes with a range of accessories, such as an integrated chopping board, to make food preparation easier.

4. Deep and wide drawers make items more accessible and are a space-efficient option compared to a standard cupboard. Add dividers for greater accessibility and ease.

5. Downsize the appliances. Space efficient dishwashers, ovens and fridges (yes you can get mini versions of most things) will keep a small space from feeling cramped and allow for more storage.

6. Depending on your space, consider a galley layout. This has the prep/cook/wash and serve counters on either side of a narrow walkway and is a very space-efficient layout when designing a small kitchen.

7. Go up up up. When space is at a premium make sure you remember to look up and maximise your vertical space. For example continue the cupboards to the ceiling and use this top storage space for things that are not often used or for display items to help soften the space.

8. Consider using mirrored panels or splashbacks to help explode the visual impact. There are so many good options available that are not reminiscent of bad ’90s mirrored wardrobe doors!

Employing just a few of these tips will help you get the most from your small space without feeling the squeeze on your lifestyle.

Read all of Naomi’s articles | Read more about NaomiVisit her website.

Expert Tips

7 DIY hacks for small apartments

By Marcus Lim

Maintaining and decorating a home is expensive and incredibly time-consuming, and living in a small apartment adds the hassle of space constraints. Finding room for items other than the bare essentials can seem impossible, especially in a shared home.

Here are some inexpensive hacks and tips to make your home more comfortable, appealing and inviting, which are guaranteed to maximise scarce living space.


1. Hack your bathroom storage

Hanging cosmetic storage is a nifty DIY hack for shared bathrooms. Invest in some hanging cosmetic bags to free up shelf and bench space in small bathrooms. Buying different sizes and shapes will keep your items organised and separate from your housemates’ belongings. Consider hanging them on the bathroom door or the towel rack. If hanging bags don’t suit your bathroom space or you don’t like the look of them, try placing the cosmetic baskets in any free nooks and crannies that may be around the bathroom.

Tip: Invest in hanging bags that have a shabby chic design to make the bathroom look cosy and lived in, rather than ones that resembles a traveller’s hanging cosmetic bag.


2. Hack your privacy

Are you in desperate need of some privacy in your home but don’t wait to sacrifice the minimal light coming in? Putting frosted film over sections of windows is a simple way of blocking your home out from street view and neighbours and a far cheaper alternative to buying curtains or blinds. Try Frost & Co.

Tip: Window film is particularly useful for inconveniently placed bathroom windows, without having to block out the sun and light coming into the room. 

3. Hack your light

Refuse space wastage. Don’t borrow/spend money on a standing light or lamp. What’s nice to look at, simple to set up and dirt cheap? Fairy lights. Hang them to suit your convenience; above your bed, across the ceiling, or even multiple strings of lights around the room. If your apartment has an outdoor area, fairy lights are a great way to brighten the space up and create a festive vibe when having guests over.

Tip: Hate having to get up to turn off the light when you’re already tucked into bed with a good book or movie? Position the fairy lights with the switch close to your bed for maximum convenience.


4. Hack your kitchen storage

Only have enough kitchen counter space for a kettle and loaf of bread? The back side of your pantry doors are perfect for extra kitchen storage. Simply nail in some hooks to hang a small saucepan, wooden spoon, measuring cup – you name it! Alternatively consider hanging your utensils up high on the walls or on other structures if the space allows for it. This  will free up lots of space and achieve a beautiful rustic look.

Tip: If you’re unable to use the inside of the pantry door to hang utensils, you can also use the surface to attach a cork board, whiteboard or chalkboard, and stick up lists and other bits and bobs that you don’t have space to hang up elsewhere.


5. Hack your kitchen sink

Another DIY trick to save space in the kitchen is to purchase a cheap over-the-sink cutting board and strainer. This will free up counter space whilst cooking and will make cleaning up easier.


6. Hack your bedroom

Investing in a console table that fits over your bed is the ultimate DIY space-saver. Position the table at the end of your bed or against the wall. To re-purpose the table, simply remove the items and position it over your bed to do work or watch a movie on your laptop.

Tip: To save money, purchase a secondhand console table and paint it a colour of your choice.


7. Hack your decor

Feel as though your home is dull and depressing but don’t have the funds or time to go searching for beautiful decor? For a true DIY project, simply clean out used glass bottles and mason jars to fill them with candles, flowers or any other odds and ends of your choice. This is a cheap, quick, and sustainable way of brightening up your home and making it more inviting. Your guests will love it.

Tip: Line up the filled bottles/jars on the window sill for a summer feel.


Carry out one or more of these DIY hacks and watch your home instantly become less crowded and feel more inviting, for a minimum cost and effort.

– Marcus Lim is the founder and CEO of local services marketplace, connecting Australians with 40,000 businesses across Australia.

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