
Foodie Friday: Ed Halmagyi’s cheesy mac-o-lanterns

With Halloween fast approaching, we thought we’d share a sugar-free but no less fun treat with these cheesy mac-o-lanterns by Mitsubishi Electric Australia ambassador Ed (Fast Ed) Halmagyi.

Cheesy mac-o-lanterns

A quick, easy, creative and kid friendly dish for this halloween

  • 75 g unsalted butter
  • 50 g plain flour
  • 2 cups warm milk
  • 2½ cups boiling water
  • 250 g dried macaroni pasta
  • 1½ tsp garlic powder
  • 1½ tsp onion powder
  • 1½ tsp mustard powder
  • 1½ tsp dried sage
  • sea salt flakes and freshly-ground white pepper
  • 1 cup grated mozzarella
  • 1½ cups grated Colby cheese
  • 8 small orange or red capsicums
  1. Combine the butter and flour in a large saucepan set over a moderate heat and cook for 1 minute, until it resembles wet sand. Whisk in the milk and bring to a simmer, whisking constantly. Add the water and simmer again.

  2. Mix in the paste and spices, then season generously with salt and pepper. Stirring well. Boil rapidly for 5 minutes, stirring often, then reduce the heat to moderate and simmer for a further 15 minutes, until the pasta is al dente.
  3. Stir in the cheeses, then set aside for 5 minutes.
  4. Use a small sharp knife to carve a ghoul face into the side of each capsicum, then remove the lid and seeds. Fill with macaroni mixture, then set the lid back on again.

Foodie Friday: Avocado lassi and fritters

Today’s recipes come from Mark Best and Delcado Avocados. They’re perfect partners as a brunch appetiser, arvo snack, or late-night treat.

Avocado lassi and fritters

Rich and buttery, avocados are a natural addition to an Indian lassi – a traditional, and very popular, yoghurt-based drink. While the delicious avocado fritters are a perfect partner, rounding out a simple snack.

Avocado Fritters

  • 2 Delcado avocados
  • 2 cups self-raising flour
  • 1 cup tapioca flour
  • 1 heaped tsp baking powder
  • 2 tsp honey
  • 500 ml iced water
  • 1 litre avocado oil for cooking

Avocado Lassi

  • 1 Delcado avocado
  • 1 cup Greek yoghurt
  • 600 ml buttermilk or kefir
  • 1 small bunch English spinach
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 4 cardamom pods

Avocado fritters

  1. Sift the self-raising flour and baking powder twice into a large bowl.
  2. Whisk in the iced water and honey to obtain a good batter consistency.
  3. Cut the avocados in half and pop the seed by placing your thumbs at the back and pushing outward. Remove the flesh with a large kitchen spoon. Slice each half into 4 slices and coat in tapioca flour. Leave them there for a minute or two to hydrate the flour, allowing it to stick better.

  4. Heat the avocado oil to 180 degrees Celsius.
  5. Coat the floured avocado slices in batter and fry until golden.
  6. Drain on absorbent paper and season with flaked salt. Eat while piping hot.

Avocado lassi

  1. Scoop the flesh from the avocado and put into a tall jug.

  2. Wash the spinach with two changes of fresh water. Trim the stems and reserve to use as straws. Add the 8-10 spinach leaves to the jug. Add the yoghurt, buttermilk (or kefir for a delicious, slightly more acidic alternative) and honey.

  3. Blend with a stick or upright blender. You are after a thick milkshake-like consistency so adjust with more buttermilk or a little cold water.
  4. Garnish with the seeds from the cardamom pods. Serve with straws made from the hollow spinach stems.

You can use any variety of avocado for this recipe.

Appetizer, entrée
Indian fusion
avocado, fritters, lassi, vegetarian

Foodie Friday: Mango white chocolate lamingtons

Today’s recipe is brought to us by Appliances Online and was created by Bridget O’Connor from The Neff Kitchen.

Mango white chocolate lamingtons

A sweet tropical take on our favourite Aussie snack.


  • 2 eggs (lightly beaten)
  • 1 ¼ cup caster sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla essence
  • 300 ml pure cream
  • 2 cups self-raising flour
  • 1 cup mango (sliced)


  • 1 cup milk
  • 250 g white chocolate (chopped)
  • 5 cups icing sugar
  • 5-6 cups shredded coconut (toasted)
  1. Place wire rack on shelf 2 and preheat oven to 180° fancforced.

  2. Grease and line a 30cm x 20cm lamington pan.

  3. Combine eggs, sugar and vanilla in a large mixing bowl. Using a balloon whisk, mix together until well combined and mixture is creamy.
  4. Add the cream and whisk again until thoroughly combined.
  5. Sift the flour over the mixture and fold gently to form a smooth batter. Fold in the mango. Pour the mixture into prepared pan.
  6. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes or until cake is cooked when tested with a skewer. Allow to cool then cut cake into 24 pieces.
  7. Make the icing by placing the milk and chocolate in a saucepan over a low heat or induction level 3 and cook stirring occasionally until chocolate has melted. Sift the icing sugar into a large bowl and make a well in the centre. Pour in the chocolate mixture and mix until smooth making sure there are no lumps of icing sugar.

  8. Coat the cake pieces in the white chocolate icing then toss in toasted coconut.
Dessert, Snack
Baked goods, Modern Australian
baked, baking, cake, mango, white chocolate

Foodie Friday: After-school Parmesan Popcorn

And, just like that, here we are again: back to school, and work, and another year that promises to be busier than the last. Now that the summer holidays are already a distant memory, here’s an after-school snack to help keep things fun, easy and healthy in the kitchen.


Parmesan popcorn is satisfying, savoury and simple to make in large batches. It’s fun for the kids to prepare, too. There’s nothing like getting the kids making their own food to help them appreciate the importance of good ingredients and healthy eating.

The popcorn poppers available at Williams-Sonoma are the healthiest, smartest way to prepare popcorn in the microwave. There’s no need to buy expensive sachets of special “microwave popcorn” (which usually contain added flavourings). There’s also no need to cook with oil when you use one of these or these. All you’ll need is a bag of popping corn kernels from the supermarket (which is incredibly affordable and will make several generous batches).

The best part of all is that you can use the very best ingredients you can find. Beautiful, freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano is a bit of a luxury, but the taste is really worth it. And if you grate it on a fine Microplane grater, you’ll see that a little goes a long way. High-quality extra-virgin olive oil, good sea salt flakes and freshly ground black pepper will also ensure this is one kids’ snack with serious gourmet cred.

STYLING TIP The kids will love flavouring their own popcorn to taste, so you can leave this part to them! But if you’re making this for a party snack instead of after school, then you could craft serving cones from greaseproof paper or parchment – simply seal with a sticker or twist at the bottom to secure. Parmesan popcorn is also perfect for kids on the go. Fill a brown paper lunch bag or plastic ziplock bag with as much popcorn as it will take – you can be sure it’s the one snack that won’t be left to rot in their school bag.


  • 4 cups popped popcorn
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan
  • Sea salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste


Place the popcorn in a large bowl and drizzle with the olive oil until lightly coated. Sprinkle with the cheese and toss gently until it is evenly distributed. Season with salt and pepper. Makes 4 cups.

–If you have a New Year’s resolution to cook more at home for the family, book yourself into a class at the Williams-Sonoma Sydney Cooking School. There’s a range of classes for both beginners and experienced cooks, where you can up your culinary game in a fun and relaxing environment.