Interiors Addict

Kids get creative with 7 Vignettes

As if 7 Vignettes wasn’t already enough of a feel-good, creative share-fest, it’s now started attracting the younger generation too! This month I noticed two young participants in particular: 9 year-old ‘India Kitty’ and ’13 Year Old Vignetter’ (real name Radha) who created her account especially for the photo challenge!

7 vignettes

Simone Patterson, Radha’s mum, said: “There was instant curiosity when she saw me pulling the place apart and building vignettes. I showed her the hashtag on Instagram and that was it, she was off on a vignette frenzy! She enjoyed the creative process, but she especially enjoyed seeing all the likes and lovely comments from other vignetters, and says it made her feel ‘awesome’.

“She loved watching all the other vignettes getting uploaded throughout the day and seeing all the different styles. I was more than happy for her to take part because, as an interiors addict myself, it was a joy to watch Radha get so engrossed in the process of developing her own style and expressing her individuality and creativity in this way.”