Interiors Addict

Kids get creative with 7 Vignettes

As if 7 Vignettes wasn’t already enough of a feel-good, creative share-fest, it’s now started attracting the younger generation too! This month I noticed two young participants in particular: 9 year-old ‘India Kitty’ and ’13 Year Old Vignetter’ (real name Radha) who created her account especially for the photo challenge!

7 vignettes

Simone Patterson, Radha’s mum, said: “There was instant curiosity when she saw me pulling the place apart and building vignettes. I showed her the hashtag on Instagram and that was it, she was off on a vignette frenzy! She enjoyed the creative process, but she especially enjoyed seeing all the likes and lovely comments from other vignetters, and says it made her feel ‘awesome’.

“She loved watching all the other vignettes getting uploaded throughout the day and seeing all the different styles. I was more than happy for her to take part because, as an interiors addict myself, it was a joy to watch Radha get so engrossed in the process of developing her own style and expressing her individuality and creativity in this way.”

Radha's yellow vignette
Radha’s yellow vignette

India’s mum, Carolyn Berry, suggested to her daughter it was something they could do together. “We were both new to Instagram and we thought we would give it a go. She was very excited by the whole thing and the first 7 Vignettes challenge was in the December school holidays so she loved the whole activity around it.”

Carolyn loved watching India going around the house, grabbing things instinctively to put together and photograph. “I love how kind and encouraging the Instagram community has been to India,” she says. “Children need great role models and I love that she is now following all of these wonderful stylish and creative people and they are following her back. It’s like taking your kid to an art gallery. I feel like she is getting this great sense of culture.”

India says: “From lots of likes and comments I have also started following lots of great people. It makes me happy to have such nice people saying such nice things. My favourite vignette was the fun one I did in the kitchen. I was making some biscuits with Mum and decided to make that my vignette. I just added some extras. I also like that I can share my artwork and I like the other people’s vignettes. Plus it’s fun.”

India 7 vignettesProud mum Carolyn adds: “India has a room full of vignettes that she has created and she has a wonderful pinboard she created with inspiring images. She really loves art and design but she is quite measured and she has a lovely eye. When I check in on her Instagram feed I am often amazed at the lovely pictures she puts up. She is a much more prolific poster than I am.”

The next, and fourth, 7 Vignettes, starts on 1 April with guest judge Louise Olsen from Dinosaur Designs.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

2 replies on “Kids get creative with 7 Vignettes”

Absolutley gorgeous! So lovely to have young girls admiring stylish, intelligent women rather than Miley Cyrus! Keep it up India and Radha!

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