
Introducing water-based terrariums, an Aussie first!

Don’t get me wrong I love receiving flowers, but after a few days when they start to wilt… well I have to admit the tree-hugging, animal-lover within finds it a little depressing!

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Turns out others share the sentiment, but unlike me, they actually did something about it! Friends Anja Venn and Kate Turner launched The Glasshouse Co. earlier this year, an online store that exclusively stocks Box Gardens, also known as hydroponic terrariums.

What are hydroponic terrariums you ask? They’re plants that only grow in water, without soil and last for ages. “Unlike purchasing a bouquet of flowers your Box Garden can continue to brighten up your home or desk for months to come,” explains Anja. “Our hope is that once your succulent outgrows your terrarium, you can re-pot it into a larger container and then simply add a new plant to your Box Garden or something hand-picked from your garden!”

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What makes the Box Gardens completely unique is that the succulent plant is beautifully displayed in the top box, and the exposed roots, which are usually hidden, are visible in the water box underneath. “It’s a very new and fascinating concept,” says Kate. “Being able to see these plants in their complete and raw form, watching them change over weeks and months, and seeing new roots grow and emerge is very special.”

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Each terrarium is individually handmade, uniquely gift wrapped in The Glasshouse Co.’s Sydney studio and carefully courier delivered to your door. The plants are all home-grown in Australia, able to survive without soil, and can flourish under the eye of the least green nimble amongst us.

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Importantly, Anja and Kate are both passionate about giving back, donating 10% of all profits to charity. Having committed to doing this from the very first Box Garden they sold, they are excited to see the impact this will have as the company continues to grow. “The charity we are currently donating towards is a school for severely disabled children in South Africa called Pathways,” explains Kate. “Currently in South Africa there is no government funding for the severely disabled, so the school relies heavily on the generosity and charity of others. Our hope is that we are able to continue giving to other wonderful charities.”

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Timber succulent planters with a twist

Their motto is ‘Love what you own’ and for Dylan Lynch and Joe Gibson of US-based Revolution Design House, nothing could be truer. They aim to create products that counteract today’s throwaway consumerism and all their products are made with substance and longevity in mind.

IMG_3781 copyThey have a range of wooden homewares on offer but their Boxcar succulent planters are getting the most attention. Designed by Joe, he developed them after using leftover lumber and chopping and removing material until he was happy with the finished product. Modern and minimalistic in aesthetic, they are beautiful enough to become the centrepiece of your coffee table or fit conveniently on your windowsill or mantel.

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Cut from one block of solid wood, when positioned in order (how they arrive in the box) the wood grain will line up and match seamlessly through all three pieces. The Boxcar is available in either Ash or Walnut and a range of colours including purple, white, orange, black and blue.

With a third of their online sales from Australia, something is obviously resonating with our local consumer! The Boxcar retails for $62 plus $18 for shipping from America. Includes stainless steel inserts to plant within.

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