The Block

Applications open for The Block 2014. Go!

Are you glued to your TV every Sunday night for room reveal? Are you a Blockhead? Do you think you could do better than most of the contestants? Might be time to put your money where your mouth is and apply for next year’s show!

Applications are now open for The Block 2014. Teams of 2 must be aged 18 to 25 and available for 10 weeks of filming between November (2013) and January. The location is yet to be revealed but applications are being taken from across Australia.

Guidelines and requirements

  • Couples must be aged between 18-65, energetic and with a sense of humour.
  • First round couples will be reduced to final participants in the first week of filming.
  • Successful couples must be available for a 10-week shoot period November 2013 to January 2014. Exact dates to be confirmed closer to filming.
  • Location of The Block 2014 is to be confirmed.