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Tom & Sarah-Jane nail modern rural in Block master bedroom reveal

As the judges soon discovered, the Block Tree Change contestants took week four very seriously, turning out high-end luxe master suites that stunned them all. From spacious dressing areas to reading nooks, fireplaces and more, every combination was tried to win this important sanctuary zone.

As the judging began, Scotty said he thought they’d all done brilliantly. I really agreed with this week’s winner and thought they were all pretty impressive. Let’s see what the judges had to say…

Tom & Sarah-Jane (First – 28.5)

With three French doors opening to the wraparound balcony and a wood-fired heater, this is a room the judges felt embraced the country it sits in, but was its own cosy sanctuary.

Your chance to win this artwork in the competition at the end of this article!

“This is a room that hugs you!” said Shaynna as she took in the high ceilings and king size bed, “They’ve really thought it through!”.

Neale was speechless for a while, before declaring he loved it, there was “zero” he didn’t like and that they’d nailed the new rural look. “I love the way they’ve mixed so many mediums. They’ve curated this room beautifully.”

For Darren it was the scale that won him over – a big bed, big drapes and big mirror TV was all very grand, he thought, with the bone inlay side tables a perfect match for the rattan of the bedhead. “The fireplace is a really charming choice.”

Darren said they’d styled the walk-in well. Shaynna thought without any doors, they’d have to keep things tidy in there as it’s on view from the bedroom!

SHOP the Macedon Mist artwork by Jen Shewring for Artist Lane

Ankur & Sharon (Second – 28)

Only half a point in it for second place! So close!

From the beautifully restored original door to antique furniture, a Marie Antoinette portrait and grand bedhead, this was a room that had the judges from the moment they walked in. “This room says period drama to me!” Neale said, with Shaynna agreeing, pointing out the corbels, archways and the beautifully framed mirror TV.

Neale summed up that it was a crazy mix of eccentricity that worked well. Neale said congratulations for giving them something they’ve never seen before: antique furniture.

Shaynna added: “It’s phenomenal. It’s elegance personified.” She said the lighting though, was too Deco and not grand enough to match everything else. She also worried that they were going to run out of money and said they didn’t need to spend quite as much every week.

Shaynna said the walk-in was glamorous and would rock the world of any would-be buyer. “It’s so beautifully done,” added Darren, who said their painting, although not perfect, was getting better, and he admired the risks they were taking.

SHOP Bjorn Arch Tall Mirror

Rachel & Ryan (Third – 27.5)

“Ooh la la!” said Darren as he rushed in to embrace the stacked stone fireplace, then admired the neutral palette and subtle styling choices he felt combined to create a perfect balance of contemporary and country.

They all loved the fireplace and Neale said they’d redeemed themselves from last week. “It’s a room that works despite itself. There are some things that don’t work but it’s got a lovely vibe.” Darren said every element in there got two thumbs up apart from some very minor paint issues.

And a perfect walk-in, Neale said when he rolled back the barn door to find what he called “prime real estate for buyers”, a dressing zone divided into separate zones. With oak finishes and woodgrain surfaces on the wardrobes, Darren called it palatial and Shaynna said it was elegant and had a country contemporary essence.

Darren said it had him by the heartstrings and it’s exactly what he’d want if he moved to the country.

SHOP Red Velvet limited edition canvas print by Theo Papathomas

Dylan & Jenny (Fourth – 25.5)

Walking straight into the spacious wardrobe – complete with the first dressing table of the day – the judges found themselves admiring the wallpaper, the view, the storage galore and the way this space was unusual, but still made sense.

They headed into the bedroom, and were impressed by the window seat but not its execution or the curtains and wondered if the artwork could have been scaled down. It’s a room with style they agreed, but does it live up to their earlier successes? Perhaps not. Neale said once they fixed that, it would make a big difference.

Walk-in robe? More like a drive-in robe, the judges said! Shaynna said styling made a big difference to the robe; the cherry on top. Darren didn’t expect to walk through the walk-in to get to the master but he really liked it. He said it oozed quality.

SHOP Macedon Ranges artworks by Jessie Rigby

Omar & Oz (Fifth – 22.5)

With a mini library reading area at one end and a smaller bed to compensate, the judges found Omar and Oz’s master a confusing space that showed promise, but didn’t quite live up to its potential.

Neale said it was very visually confusing and giving so much space to a study and reading area made no sense. Shaynna said she loved the fretwork but it had then been over cluttered. Darren said the bookshelves were cheap and best not looked too closely at!

The lack of storage was a real issue for all three, with Shaynna advising: “Lose the shelves, lose the desk” and Neale adding “there’s too much going on, guys!”. Even Darren, impressed by the carpets, drapery, uplights and doors to the wardrobe that cut off the space to the bathroom, had to admit that this was a room where less would have been more. 

Neale said the boys raised expectations with their bathroom last week and this was not the bedroom that ensuite deserved. Darren said there were elements in the room that really paid off but the study space didn’t add value.

The ottoman in the walk-in made it hard to walk through, they said and there wasn’t enough storage for a couple.

SHOP what you saw in the reveals at The Block Shop.

Win tom & Sarah-Jane’s above-bed artwork!

For your chance to win the Artist Lane artwork Macedon Mist by Jen Shewring, enter here.