Bedrooms Interiors Addict RENO ADDICT Reno Products Reno Trends The Block

Tom & Sarah-Jane nail modern rural in Block master bedroom reveal

As the judges soon discovered, the Block Tree Change contestants took week four very seriously, turning out high-end luxe master suites that stunned them all. From spacious dressing areas to reading nooks, fireplaces and more, every combination was tried to win this important sanctuary zone.

As the judging began, Scotty said he thought they’d all done brilliantly. I really agreed with this week’s winner and thought they were all pretty impressive. Let’s see what the judges had to say…

Tom & Sarah-Jane (First – 28.5)

With three French doors opening to the wraparound balcony and a wood-fired heater, this is a room the judges felt embraced the country it sits in, but was its own cosy sanctuary.

Your chance to win this artwork in the competition at the end of this article!

“This is a room that hugs you!” said Shaynna as she took in the high ceilings and king size bed, “They’ve really thought it through!”.

Neale was speechless for a while, before declaring he loved it, there was “zero” he didn’t like and that they’d nailed the new rural look. “I love the way they’ve mixed so many mediums. They’ve curated this room beautifully.”

For Darren it was the scale that won him over – a big bed, big drapes and big mirror TV was all very grand, he thought, with the bone inlay side tables a perfect match for the rattan of the bedhead. “The fireplace is a really charming choice.”

Darren said they’d styled the walk-in well. Shaynna thought without any doors, they’d have to keep things tidy in there as it’s on view from the bedroom!

SHOP the Macedon Mist artwork by Jen Shewring for Artist Lane

Ankur & Sharon (Second – 28)

Only half a point in it for second place! So close!

From the beautifully restored original door to antique furniture, a Marie Antoinette portrait and grand bedhead, this was a room that had the judges from the moment they walked in. “This room says period drama to me!” Neale said, with Shaynna agreeing, pointing out the corbels, archways and the beautifully framed mirror TV.

Neale summed up that it was a crazy mix of eccentricity that worked well. Neale said congratulations for giving them something they’ve never seen before: antique furniture.

Shaynna added: “It’s phenomenal. It’s elegance personified.” She said the lighting though, was too Deco and not grand enough to match everything else. She also worried that they were going to run out of money and said they didn’t need to spend quite as much every week.

Shaynna said the walk-in was glamorous and would rock the world of any would-be buyer. “It’s so beautifully done,” added Darren, who said their painting, although not perfect, was getting better, and he admired the risks they were taking.

SHOP Bjorn Arch Tall Mirror

Rachel & Ryan (Third – 27.5)

“Ooh la la!” said Darren as he rushed in to embrace the stacked stone fireplace, then admired the neutral palette and subtle styling choices he felt combined to create a perfect balance of contemporary and country.

They all loved the fireplace and Neale said they’d redeemed themselves from last week. “It’s a room that works despite itself. There are some things that don’t work but it’s got a lovely vibe.” Darren said every element in there got two thumbs up apart from some very minor paint issues.

And a perfect walk-in, Neale said when he rolled back the barn door to find what he called “prime real estate for buyers”, a dressing zone divided into separate zones. With oak finishes and woodgrain surfaces on the wardrobes, Darren called it palatial and Shaynna said it was elegant and had a country contemporary essence.

Darren said it had him by the heartstrings and it’s exactly what he’d want if he moved to the country.

SHOP Red Velvet limited edition canvas print by Theo Papathomas

Dylan & Jenny (Fourth – 25.5)

Walking straight into the spacious wardrobe – complete with the first dressing table of the day – the judges found themselves admiring the wallpaper, the view, the storage galore and the way this space was unusual, but still made sense.

They headed into the bedroom, and were impressed by the window seat but not its execution or the curtains and wondered if the artwork could have been scaled down. It’s a room with style they agreed, but does it live up to their earlier successes? Perhaps not. Neale said once they fixed that, it would make a big difference.

Walk-in robe? More like a drive-in robe, the judges said! Shaynna said styling made a big difference to the robe; the cherry on top. Darren didn’t expect to walk through the walk-in to get to the master but he really liked it. He said it oozed quality.

SHOP Macedon Ranges artworks by Jessie Rigby

Omar & Oz (Fifth – 22.5)

With a mini library reading area at one end and a smaller bed to compensate, the judges found Omar and Oz’s master a confusing space that showed promise, but didn’t quite live up to its potential.

Neale said it was very visually confusing and giving so much space to a study and reading area made no sense. Shaynna said she loved the fretwork but it had then been over cluttered. Darren said the bookshelves were cheap and best not looked too closely at!

The lack of storage was a real issue for all three, with Shaynna advising: “Lose the shelves, lose the desk” and Neale adding “there’s too much going on, guys!”. Even Darren, impressed by the carpets, drapery, uplights and doors to the wardrobe that cut off the space to the bathroom, had to admit that this was a room where less would have been more. 

Neale said the boys raised expectations with their bathroom last week and this was not the bedroom that ensuite deserved. Darren said there were elements in the room that really paid off but the study space didn’t add value.

The ottoman in the walk-in made it hard to walk through, they said and there wasn’t enough storage for a couple.

SHOP what you saw in the reveals at The Block Shop.

Win tom & Sarah-Jane’s above-bed artwork!

For your chance to win the Artist Lane artwork Macedon Mist by Jen Shewring, enter here.

Bathrooms Interiors Addict Shopping The Block

The Block 2022 tree change: main bathroom reveals

Today, our friend and interior designer Kathryn Bamford, recaps last night’s room reveals.

Whoa what a first week on The Block! Main bathrooms as the first room to complete and a room that could win the contestants $10,000 in cash, a fully mature tree for their landscaping and (wait for it) a $250,000 Winning Appliances kitchen upgrade.

With such a whopping big prize up for grabs the pressure was on for the contestants to deliver. I’m not going to lie, I was a little nervous for the contestants especially being their first week. Kitchens and bathrooms sell homes and if you won this week you were setting yourself up to most likely to win kitchen week with that prize.

House 1: Tom and Sarah-Jane (equal second place)

With traditional cornicing and ceiling rose, a restored original light fitting and ample use of panelling, this was a bathroom, Darren said, that’s simply “very impressive!”. And cost effective too, he added, with the panelling not only beautiful, but a budget saver by limiting the space that needed tiles. We wholeheartedly agree with Neale who said “I love art in bathroom”.

There were however some issues – the open grill over the door, some mis-matched metals, a lack of storage and a shower screen that was too short, but overall it was a room, the judges agreed, that showed a high level of sophistication and one that got them excited to see more!

House 2: Rachel & Ryan (third place)

From the second the judges entered this bathroom, one thing stood out for them all – the space! “This is massive!” Shaynna said as she took in the high ceilings incorporating wide skylights, double shower, floor-to-ceiling tiles and storage galore. But was it too much? And most importantly, was it country?

The square-set features, timber vanity, basin, “artful” lighting plan and curved glass all screamed modern luxury, the judges agreed, possibly too modern for a country home. A few heritage features might have softened the effect, Shaynna said before all asked the question: Is it appropriate in a country setting? Darren seemed to be the only judge who believed so. Neale and Shaynna were after more heritage elements.

House 3: Ankur & Sharon (last place)

“It’s shiny and brassy and something about it is not feeling authentic,” Neale announced. Neither Neale or Shaynna felt good in the space. Darren disagreed. “I like it!” he said, saying the sultry and moody feeling the team had created worked for him, however he was not keen on the nib wall.

But it was a controversial space, with Shaynna worrying the historic feel of House 3 (The Grand Dame of The Block as she called it) might get lost if the team didn’t pay attention to the existing features and work to incorporate them into their build. Shaynna recommended they do some homework on the history of the house and the era. Ouch!

House 4: Jenny & Dylan (equal second place)

Down a small hallway, and through an incredible arch and into what Neale described as a “fresh, welcoming and kind of timeless bathroom”. It was light and airy, made even better, Shaynna added, by the breathtaking view outside.

Darren really liked the sense of balance, with curved mirrors playing off the archway entrance, a blind at the exact height of the picture rail and skylights breaking up the ceiling. Shaynna felt the couple really had an idea of where they were now going with the look and feel of the home.

House 5: Omar & Oz (first place)

“Wow!” said Neale when he walked into Omar and Oz’s bathroom, and the compliments kept coming. “It’s sophisticated!” Shaynna said as she took in the 90-degree herringbone wall tiles, panelling and patterned floor tiles. “It’s stunning! I love it, I absolutely love it!” Neale added. “It all works, the palette is beautiful,” Darren summed up. “This feels like a bathroom that belongs in this house and belongs on this Block.”

It wasn’t just good looks, with features like a heated floor and heating above, face-level storage, power points in all the right places and luxurious shower/bath area making this a room to set the standard for this year. The only thing the judges could fault the boys on was some stickers left on the toilet!

Shop our faves at The Block Shop

Tom and Sarah-Jane’s wall art

Omar & Oz’s stool

What did you think of the results? Do you agree with the judges?

Enter our competition with The Block Shop and Artist Lane to win a piece of art from the reveals

Bedrooms Interiors Addict The Block

The Block 2022 tree change: first room reveals & house decider

Woohoo! The first Block reveals of the season! Let’s face it, they’re usually not spectacular as the contestants have barely found their feet yet, and they only have 48 hours, whilst getting their heads around how everything works. Could I do it? Not a hope in hell! And would I go on the show? No. Way. It would end in divorce and I’d cry every night for my kids!

(Read to the end for your weekly chance to win a piece of art from the reveals!)

Add in the first ever walkout by Elle and Joel (I knew it!) after a mere two days, and last night’s was quite the episode! Five off the grid houses in the stunning Macedon Ranges (six if you include the one Scotty’s doing) is quite the project! Let’s get into the first (bed)room reveals and what the judges had to say!

Tom and Sarah-Jane came first and chose to stay in house 1 (not the coveted house 4!). Dylan and Jenny got that one. Ankur and Sharon took house 3. Joel and Elle took 20 seconds and picked to stay with house 2 (until they quit!), leaving Omar and Oz with house 5.

Elle and Joel left without even saying goodbye, saying that The Block wasn’t “on brand” for them. Sarah-Jane, who’d made her thoughts about influencers and famous people very clear already, claimed she had seen it coming because “they looked miserable the whole time”. The others weren’t impressed either. But hey, we get a new couple (Rachel and Ryan) now! I wasn’t entirely sure I was going to enjoy watching Elle and Joel…

Next week calls for a bathroom so that will be a very interesting test!

House 1: Tom and Sarah-Jane (1st place)

The judges were impressed! Darren liked the traditional/contemporary balance. Shaynna loved the original ceiling rose. Neale thought the room spoke of contestants who knew what they were doing. And he even said he would have liked a lot of the elements in his own home! Not so much the artwork though (“the only bum note”) but Shaynna and Darren were fans.

House 2: Dylan and Jenny (second place)

Neale loved the sage green paint and the VJ panelling. Shaynna LOVED that both contestants were tradies and said the execution was excellent. Darren loved the flatpack made to look like a custom built-in.

Neale though the country vibe felt like a bit of an afterthought and that they’d thrown everything at it in the hope that something would stick. Darren said they’d tried really hard but their individual good choices weren’t working well together. And Neale said olive trees shouldn’t be inside either!

House 3: Elle and Joel (4th place)

“Where are we?” asked Shaynna. Darren said it was a bit like home (Bondi, coastal and boho) and not very Macedon Ranges. Shaynna said they hadn’t acknowledged the history of the home or the area. “They have smashed the life out of this home and that breaks my heart.”

Neale said if they stick with this look it’s going to get very stale and very samey and they needed to respect the original bones of the house.

House 4: Sharon and Ankur (third place)

Darren was not a fan of the “extremely rustic approach” Sharon famously proceeded with against Scotty’s advice! Shaynna said there was a lot of effort and skill on show and a very good eye. Neale said he wasn’t expecting to see it but it was very well executed. And they advised they shouldn’t run with this concept throughout the rest of the house!

I had feared these two would get more criticism!

House 5: Omar and Oz (last place)

Darren immediately said it was a shame the door walked you straight into the bed. Shaynna loved the original boards. Neale was happy they’d worked with the heritage. But aesthetically they’d gone Scandi which was a bit generic.

They said it was a room that belonged equally in a city or by the beach. And then they spotted the modern window and were horrified that such money had been spent on it.

The fake plant did not get past them either! Neale said it felt like property styling. “We want to see something with more personality here.” They said it wasn’t luxe enough but for 48 hours it was still quite the achievement.

What did you think of the results? Do you have a favourite couple yet?

Shop our faves at The Block Shop

Tom and Sarah-Jane’s brass wall lights and London in Bloom book

Elle and Joel’s art and boucle armchair

Win this piece of art from Scotty’s en suite

Each week, thanks to The Block Shop and Artist Lane, we’ll be giving away a piece of art from the room reveals. For your chance to win this peacock, hit the link below. Good luck!

Enter the competition

The Block Shop | 9Now

Bedrooms Shopping The Block

The Block room reveals 2021: guest bedroom

Firstly, let’s talk about what’s new with The Block judging this year: defect lists! What a great idea and something that has probably been lacking thus far. Keith and Dan do an inspection before the judges and make a report on any defects, which is then presented to the judges, just in case they were to miss something! Fair’s fair, I reckon! A great addition to the process!

Ronnie & Georgia’s winning guest bedroom

And what an episode it was, with the returning faves taking out both first (Ronnie & Georgia) and last (Mitch & Mark) place! Not to mention the twins staying in a luxury hotel the night before (which is against the rules) and then getting breathalysed and not being allowed to start until they sobered up. And then Luke got sick (nothing to do with the night before, of course!) but the boys still managed to pull off second place.

Poor Tanya and Vito (the sweetest people ever) had to sack their builder after Keith and Dan pointed out how much he had done wrong, leaving Tanya in tears (bless!). She’s such a soft touch she went into full mothering mode with hungover Luke!

Anyway, onto the rooms and the judging!

Ronnie & Georgia

Score 24.5/30: FIRST

Spend: $11,305 (the least of anyone)

With soaring ceilings and a playful style that manages to be (as Neale Whitaker said) neutral but still interesting, Block faves Ronnie and Georgia showed they were back to win with this stylish room. And win they did!

From the Velux skylights to the perfect layered bedding, this is a room that Darren Palmer called “aspirational classic contemporary”. He said it showed how much the pair have grown from the dark and moody palette that was their Elsternwick trademark. 

“So impressive!” says Shaynna. “It’s so considered, it’s frightening and talk about a massive amount of cabinetry.” Darren said: “There’s so much to love!”

Shop the look: Photographic prints | Arch side table

Mark & Mitch

Score 22.5/30: LAST

Spent: $13,823.20

Goodbye Palm Springs, hello contemporary modern said the judges to a guest bedroom that clearly says there is more to Mitch and Mark than their Oslo build showed. With its statement Grafico wall and soft colour choices, the pair created a guest sanctuary complete with study nook (or work space) perfect for a post-covid home, and a sun-drenched extra bedroom.

Shaynna said it was great to see them try a new style. Neale’s first impressions were that it was small, oppressive even. Shaynna said the desk was too shoved in. And she spotted that the door wasn’t fixed. Neale even said it was a little bland!

Shaynna loved the pelmet lighting, Darren loved the bed linen and the palette. Neale said he really liked the boys but he felt the room was too generic and he was surprised.

Shop the look: Mitch & Mark’s own brand candle | Tall glass rainbow vase

Tanya & Vito

Score 23/30 EQUAL THIRD

Spent: $14,199.98

Tanya’s unique and vibrant palette brought a sense of fun to the room, with wood panelling topped by a terrazzo shelf behind the beautifully styled bed, flowing sheers over the window, streaming sunlight from the Velux skylights and a hanging plant making this a soft space.

Darren liked the colour combos and the way the art worked with the bed linen without being too matchy-match. But the judges blasted their cheap-looking sheers, especially as Vito works in the window furnishings business!

And sadly so many of their (fired) builder’s defects were still not fixed. But Neale said there were lots of nice touches and Darren liked the way there was room to swing a cat!

Shop the look: Flower Fields canvas print | Crested cockatoo set

Josh & Luke

Score 24/30 SECOND

Spent: $20,722.80

With its dark colour palette accentuated by a beautifully styled bed against a soft-upholstered wall and bold glass-fronted cabinetry, Josh and Luke’s guest bedroom is, the judges decided, sexy, cool and very different. For Darren it was the big architectural decisions, such as the bi-fold doors that worked best, and he can’t wait to see what they’ll open out to when the rest of the house is built.

It was definitely one for the boys though. Darren said it was “waaaaaaay better” than last week and was impressed by the glam, glass-doored wardrobes. Neale said it was sexy. Shaynna however, said she hated the wardrobes and they were destined to end up looking a mess in reality! Got to love a bit of controversy!

Darren said there was so much he liked and Shaynna said the way they styled the bed (wonder if Mitch & Mark regret helping them!) was stunning. She said they stepped up five levels from last week (have to agree!).

Shop the look: Abstract watercolour canvas

Kirsty & Jesse

Score 23/30 EQUAL THIRD

Spent: $14,757.58

From the soft blue walls with wainscoting and accent architraves to the plantation shutters and highlight window, Kirsty and Jesse created a guest bedroom retreat with an obvious space for a generous en-suite to come. Throw in ample storage courtesy of the twin bedside tables and built-in cabinetry and the result is, to quote Darren: “coastal chic, a little bit plantation and a little bit country!”.

Shaynna said the Hamptons style would be very popular with buyers in the area. Neale said they’d chosen to be very discreet and similar to last week, and he didn’t want them to become a one-trick pony. He and Shaynna didn’t like that all you could see from bed was a window which was too high to see anything out of. That’ll be their expensive new highlight window. Eep.

The judges loved the spacious size of the room and the generous storage and said the execution was great but the styling needed to go up a notch.

Shop the look: Gold wardrobe mirror

Of course I’d love to know, WHAT DID YOU THINK?

Photography: David Cook Photography

Designers Interviews The Block

Shaynna Blaze on her favourite contestants, copping flak and the upcoming The Block Triple Threat

Speaking to Shaynna Blaze it’s hard to believe she’s not superwoman. Not only is she a judge on The Block (the upcoming Triple Threat will be her sixth series), she’s the resident designer on Selling Houses Australia, has written two books (the second to be released in March), has designed a furniture line and only last month wowed us singing at Carols by Candlelight! So how does she do it all?

Shaynna Blaze Blank Canvas

“It’s all about being healthy,” says Shaynna. “You’ve got to eat well, you’ve got to exercise and most importantly you’ve got to keep a healthy mind. I’ve got a beautiful family and amazing friends that keep me grounded and treat me the same way as they did 20 years ago. I think having healthy relationships around you is really important.”

shaynna the block judges interiors addict
Shaynna alongside fellow The Block judges Neale Whitaker and Darren Palmer. Credit: Tink PR

[contextly_sidebar id=”App6LptB48HXptlnyV0OwLskzFkV1B2j”]With a myriad of commitments on her plate, being part of The Block is certainly a career highlight. “It’s so different to everything else that I do in the physical space. Plus there’s always a couple from each series that really grow and change, rise to the challenge and listen to things that need to be changed. Seeing that happen is probably the most rewarding part.”

It’s for that reason Shaynna names past winners Chantelle and Steve (of Fans v Faves) and Phil and Amity (of All Stars) as her favourite past contestants. “Chantelle and Steve were great in the fact of how much they grew. They got slammed every week and we never knew how they reacted until we saw it on TV, but seeing how they just dusted themselves off and picked themselves up, that was amazing. Amity and Phil were brilliant because they just stayed true to their style from day one, they improved and changed but they really had their plan and stuck to it.”

The new judging lineup includes Darren Palmer, who rose to fame as a star of reality TV himself

What may be surprising to some, is unlike us viewers, Shaynna and her co-judges Neale Whitaker and Darren Palmer (who she lovingly refers to as her brothers) aren’t getting to know the contestants in the same way we are at home. Rather, they may briefly see them as they’re entering the apartments for judging, or have a few words with them when judging a challenge, but apart from that, there’s nothing more until the show’s over. “When I first started working on The Block I used to think I’d really like to meet them and get to know them,” explains Shaynna. “But now I love that anonymity because it actually makes it completely un-biased, as a lot of people don’t think it is! We don’t have favourites, or rather we end up having favourites because we like what they’re doing not because of their personality.”

shaynna the block judges interiors addict 1
Credit: Channel 9

But with all that said, Shaynna still cops a lot of flak for her judging comments, from contestants (cough, Dee!) and viewers alike. “I always knew from day one as a judge that was going to be the case, not everyone’s going to like what you have to say, that’s just reality. But I see it as a knee jerk reaction, viewers just want their voice to be heard and contestants are tired and exhausted, they’ve put their heart and soul into it and everyone thinks their room is the best! With Dee, I was giving her nines all the time and she wasn’t quite happy with that. I think the perspective of it being a competition gets lost on the contestants when they’re so immersed and I can take a backseat on that, but I think when it’s constant you go, hang on guys, you should really look at what your saying!”

small block

With The Block’s next series Triple Threat due to start on 27 January, Shaynna, alongside Neale and Darren, have already judged some of the rooms, so what can we expect? “One of this series’ differences is that the characters are really strong, there’s a lot of strong opinions and people sticking to their guns. This series is also very much about the area of South Yarra. All four apartments are completely different, but South Yarra has a certain market that you’re renovating towards; very high-end, polished and classic, which I think will make for some very interesting and amazing apartments!”

Find all The Block latest here.