Bathrooms Design Expert Tips RENO ADDICT

How to: choose a bathroom renovator

Choosing to get your bathroom renovated is a big decision. It is going to increase the value of your house, absolutely, but it is also going to disrupt your life for a few weeks, as you demolish and rebuild this room.  So it is important that you choose the right person for the job and end up with your dream bathroom at the end of the process.

But how do you know what to look for in a renovator?

Check out their work: If you were going to go and buy a couch, but you looked in their showroom window and didn’t see anything you liked, would you still buy a couch from that store? Probably not. If the bathroom renovator you are looking at doesn’t have any projects that make you sigh out loud with happiness, then they probably aren’t the guys for you. Looking through their portfolio of work, case studies, or even visiting a past job, you should absolutely love the look and finishes of the bathrooms you come across. Even if it is not quite your personal taste or style, you should be able to appreciate layout, functionality, quality and finish.

Image source: Integriti Bathrooms
Image source: Integriti Bathrooms

Review pricing: Does the renovator in question only ever talk about high end luxury bathrooms that cost way over what you can afford? Are they only ever talking about budget finishes and cheap cabinetry? Make sure that the bathroom renovator is on the same page you are – whether you can afford a luxury bathroom or not. If you look at their work and see luxury homes but know you have a tight budget, then it is likely that they wont be able to help you at your price point. Alternatively, if they are focussed on producing cheap, serviceable bathrooms but don’t do the luxury Art Deco-inspired bathroom you are dreaming of, then they probably aren’t going to be able to deliver on that look. Make sure you are up front and clear with your budget it will not be an issues or bargaining but will help guide you both to provide realistic solutions.

Image source: Integriti Bathrooms
Image source: Integriti Bathrooms

Check out their process:  How does this renovator work? Do you just turn up the next day and you have a demolished bathroom? What is their design process like and how does it all come together? When asking for a quote, do you feel like they are communicating with you clearly, or is it very sporadic? All of these questions (especially at an early stage) offer you a tiny insight into what it will be like working with these renovators. If you’re not happy with the level of communication or knowledge of what will happen when, then maybe you need to speak to someone else.

Check out online reviews:  One of the biggest benefits of social media is that it’s a completely open platform for people to share their experiences. If people have a really great experience or a really terrible experience, chances are it will be shared online. So go and check out what people are saying – a review isn’t going to be indicative of every experience with a particular renovator, but if there are heaps of complaints or heaps of glowing reviews, the chances are pretty good that that will be your experience too.

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Image source: Integriti Bathrooms

–Andrew Stenos is managing director of leading Sydney bathroom renovation company, Integriti Bathrooms and one of our Resident Experts. Integriti Bathrooms have a great showcase of bathroom makeovers online to inspire you, ranging from affordable to luxury.

More about Andrew