
How to choose a washing and drying machine

Washing and drying your laundry has long been a tedious chore, but picking the right washer and dryer to suit your needs can end up saving you a lot of time and money. This means you can worry less about the dirty clothes and worry more about what new clothes you can buy and throw in next time! Below, The Good Guys appliance experts offers tips to consider when purchasing your next laundry appliance.

Copyright Eliot Cohen - Zeitgeist Photographyemail:
Photo credit: Zeitgeist Photography
  • Before purchasing, understand what you want out of your washer or dryer. Differences in capacity, energy and water efficiency, preferred programs and cycles are important considerations for your purchase. Thinking long-term about how you plan to use your appliances will also ensure you get the most out of what you spend.
  • Size is the most important factor to consider when purchasing a washing machine. A capacity of 6kg-to-7kg will be enough for a typical family of four but smaller families should opt for more compact models. Do not be tempted by cheaper alternatives; if you are using your appliance twice as much as you expect, it will actually cost you more in the long run.
  • Look out for Energy Star Rating and Australia’s Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme (WELS) labels to give you an idea of how energy-efficient and water efficient your appliance is. The higher the number of stars, the more environmentally friendly.
  • In terms of the debate between front-load and top-load washers, a front-loader’s greatest claimed advantage is generally improved water and energy efficiency. Top-loaders require enough water to cover all the clothes in its drum. Front loaders require less amounts of water because water sits horizontally in the machine. This means as the drum turns, gravity will consistently submerge your clothes back in the water.
Copyright Eliot Cohen - Zeitgeist Photographyemail:
Photo credit: Zeitgeist Photography
  • Typically, front-loaders can be more expensive than traditional top-loaders as they present higher spinning mechanisms. The higher the spin, the less water is left in your laundry, which means shorter drying time and energy saved.
  • Only run your appliances with a full load and use cold water in your washing machine whenever possible. In a warm wash, 80 per cent of the energy is associated with heating the water, so cold washing will use less than one-quarter of the energy.
  • As much as front-loaders provide you the opportunity to be stacked on a companion dryer, families with limited space in their laundry should consider a washer-dryer combo. However, this means you can’t wash and dry loads of washing at the same time.
  • Heat Pump dryers, whilst more expensive, have a six star energy efficiency whereas most other dryers are between one and two stars. If you are a regular dryer user, Heat Pump dryers in the long run are a better option and will save you money over time investing in a more efficient unit.
  • Understanding the space you can utilise will restrict the type of dryer you can purchase and whether you need to wall mount the dryer or not – not every model can be mounted. As a result, you might need to opt for a vented (which require plumbing and installation) or condenser dryer. Also, capacity should be a key consideration as the more space around your clothes, the quicker they will dry.

Visit The Good Guys’ website for more information.


Common laundry mistakes with wool & how to easily avoid them

Gone are the days when washing and caring for your wool garments was a challenging and time-consuming process. AEG can help you avoid wool care disasters with some expert advice and a few simple instructions. You’ll never have to spend days hand washing your woollies again! 

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  1. Look out for the Woolmark Apparel Care logo on washing machines and tumble dryers to know your wool will be properly cared for.
  2. Remove lipstick, make-up or shoe polish by gently rubbing with a lint-free cloth soaked in turpentine, spot cleaning spray or fluid, and rinse with mild soapy water.
  3. Always turn your garments inside out for laundering to prolong the ‘as new’ surface appearance of the garment.
  4. Use your washing machine on the wool setting if it has one, to help reduce shrinkage by gradually reducing the temperature before the rinse phase.
  5. Use a special programme, such as the AEG steam programme, to refresh your clothes, including those labelled dry clean only to remove odours and reduce creasing.

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  1. Rest wool garments for 24 hours before wearing again. This gives the natural resilience and spring in the wool fibre time to recover and return to its original shape.
  2. Wool garments can be refreshed after unpacking or wearing by hanging them in a steamy bathroom. Moisture from the steam will remove wrinkles.
  3. To remove cigarette or food odours, lay wool garments flat on a bed or towel for an hour. Woven garments may be hung in fresh air or on a suitable hanger.

From wear to care and fleece to fashion, AEG, The Woolmark Company and Camilla and Marc have partnered to create a Wool Wear and Care Guide to share their insider tips and tricks of the trade. You can download it here.

Appliances Kitchens

Siemens speedMatic dishwashers are like something from Star Wars

I do the dishes in this household. Many moons ago in a galaxy quite close to where I live now… if not the very same galaxy, it was decided that the dishes would be my domain. After all, how hard can it be to rinse, load, push a button and then empty? Well, not hard. But it’s not particularly interesting either. In manual washing it was almost like you had a bit of time to yourself as you rinsed those dirty plates with suds. Now it’s all so mechanical… but the Siemens speedMatic dishwashers could brighten your day somewhat.

Siemens SN46V593AU

Why? Because they are full of cool technology which makes washing dishes a little more interesting. For all the guys out there, the damn thing will project the time remaining and stage of the cycle on the floor with a feature called timeLight! Seriously. That is some spooky stuff. But there is a stack more packed in as well which, although not as outwardly cool, is actually quite handy.


The washing machine for asthmatics and allergy sufferers

This country has some of the highest allergy rates in the world and Asko’s latest washing machine, approved by the National Asthma Council Australia (and the Swedish Asthma Foundation) might help if you or your family are sufferers.

ASKO W6888Allergy Washing Machine - door open

The W6888 Allergy Washing Machine incorporates a number of specific technologies designed to assist people suffering from asthma and allergy. With a large 7kg capacity, it can handle the demands of a growing family, while giving you the peace of mind that you’re helping to protect your health.