Designers Interviews

Young Designer: Khoa Nguyen of Design Poets

Our Young Designer series aims to inspire those who are yet to get their first foot on the ladder in this fiercely competitive industry.

At 27, and with a couple of jobs under his belt, Khoa Nguyen now works for himself at Brisbane-based Design Poets. He also teaches wannabe designers at Queensland College of Art (QCA).

khoa nguyen

While he learned a lot from working for other people, the self-confessed design nerd and young father just had to give being his own boss a go. So far, it hasn’t been as hard as he imagined.

So, when did he know you wanted to be an interior designer? “I was doing my building course and next to us were some students studying interior design. I popped my head in to see what they were learning about it and it appealed to me so much more than cyclone ratings for timber framing. That was the day.”

Designers Expert Tips Interviews

Young Designer: Lauren Rugless of CHADA

Our Young Designer series aims to inspire those who are yet to get their first foot on the ladder in this fiercely competitive industry.

Internships and determination are what landed Lauren Rugless her first junior designer job at CHADA — a leading hospitality design practice in Sydney — before she’d even graduated!

Lauren Rugless
Lauren Rugless

The 22 year-old was employed full-time last year, before completing her degree in Design at the prestigious COFA (majoring in spatial and textile design).

Proving you’re keen and committed is paramount, she advises:

Designers Interviews

Young Designer: Brendan Guy of Thomas Hamel & Associates

In the first of our new Young Designer series, aimed at inspiring those who are yet to get their first foot on the ladder in this fiercely competitive industry, I spoke to Brendan Guy, design assistant at the esteemed Thomas Hamel & Associates in Sydney.

Brendan Guy Thomas Hamel & Associates
Brendan Guy

As mentors go, Thomas Hamel, with his many years of experience, popular book and beautiful international body of work, is hard to beat. Which is why Brendan, 27, feels extremely lucky to have started his design career with his studio.