Art Interviews

Gabrijela Iva Polic: the new face of the Sydney art world

Gabrijela Iva Polic is one to watch. After graduating from the College of Fine Arts last year, she’s already been invited to take part in her first exhibition, after giving up her former life as a customs officer.

Forever hope forever joy

Entitled Sydney Who and held at The Hughes Gallery in Surry Hills, the exhibition will showcase up and coming artists of Sydney. Gabrijela is ecstatic to be involved: “From someone who just graduated from art school five minutes ago with no exhibition history, to work with an established gallery that has been standing since 1969, I was and am, seriously chuffed and honoured.”

This beautiful part of you becomes this beautiful part of me

Though it’s no surprise Gabrijela is getting recognition, her work very unique and distinct, it is rich in vivid colour and intricate patterns. Inspired by the shape of organisms that live off and grow from one another, her abstract shapes seem almost lifelike.

I have been made by the Philia machine WEB

Love is a common theme for Gabrijela and her central inspiration: “I’m so inspired by love and everything that comes with it: the passions, the longing, the sadness, the bursts of joy. All of it and more.” Philosophy and the workings of the natural world are also heavy influences.

Yet it is not just the subject matter which is unique, Gabrijela’s use of materials is also worth noting. “The canvas works are predominately paintings, however if you get up close and personal you will notice quite a lot detailed of penwork,” she says. “The works on paper are quite often mixed media and on my new works I have been stitching into them with these beautiful metallic threads.”

They are covered in diamonds which only I see WEB

Being an artist wasn’t always on the cards. For seven years, she worked as a customs officer, later juggling study and work and then finally taking the plunge and changing careers.

“Eventually I decided that the only way I was going to get good enough to make painting a full-time thing that actually worked was to hang up my customs boots and paint every day,” she explains. “I followed my heart and it was the best decision I’ve ever made.”

Find out more about Gabrijela and her work here or buy slected works from Penny Farthing Design House online. Sydney Who is at the Hughes Gallery in Surry Hills in May and June.

Designers Expert Tips Interviews

Young Designer: Lauren Rugless of CHADA

Our Young Designer series aims to inspire those who are yet to get their first foot on the ladder in this fiercely competitive industry.

Internships and determination are what landed Lauren Rugless her first junior designer job at CHADA — a leading hospitality design practice in Sydney — before she’d even graduated!

Lauren Rugless
Lauren Rugless

The 22 year-old was employed full-time last year, before completing her degree in Design at the prestigious COFA (majoring in spatial and textile design).

Proving you’re keen and committed is paramount, she advises: