Designers Interviews

Take 5 with Chloe Brookman

Each week we shine the spotlight on some of Australia’s best designers, artists and stylists and have them share with us what’s making them tick; anything from the best advice they’ve ever received to their favourite holiday destination. Today we chat to Chloe Brookman, one half of kids furniture business, Olli Ella.


1. What is your favourite cafe?

Tigermottle in Paddington. Killer coffee, delicious breakfast (my favourite meal) and nestled amongst gorgeous Paddington terraces. It’s also walking distance from our home!

2. What is your favourite holiday destination?

Costa Rica. Although last time we went there we chose a little eco lodge on a beach called Playa Nicuesa, which the locals lovingly refer to as Mosquito Beach! We didn’t find that out until we were actually there unfortunately.

Costa Rica I love for the food, the proximity to both beaches and rainforests and the people. It’s an untouched paradise.

3. What three people would be at your perfect dinner party?

Oscar Wilde, Stevie Wonder and Stephen Hawking.

4. What’s your go-to recipe?

Homemade spinach pesto pasta. It’s delish (the whole family loves it) and it’s the only way I can get my kiddies to eat greens without some serious molecular gastronomy!

5. Who is your favourite musician? 

Billy Bragg for his folky melodies that you can sing along to at the top of your lungs, driving with the windows open and the kids covering their ears in the back.

By Olivia Shead

When she's not writing for Interiors Addict, Olivia is now a TV and radio news producer. She's a journalism graduate of UTS Sydney.

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