
The interior designers on Facebook

Want to know where to get your interior inspiration on Facebook? Here’s my pick of the designers with their own pages. What are you waiting for? Go like!

Abigail Ahern: One of my favourite UK interiors people, Abigail has a great blog, full of inspiration, gorgeous images and plenty of humour. She links to the best of her blog from her fab Facebook page.

Greg Natale: Last year’s Belle | Coco Republic Interior Designer of the Year is always sharing pix of his latest work, links to press coverage and snaps of him at parties and industry events.

Darren Palmer: This former reality TV star turned up and coming interior designer knows all about using Β social media and PR. In fact, he’s talking about just that at decoration + design with me in Melbourne next month. Darren has a regularly updated Facebook page.

Kelly Hoppen: Brand Hoppen is all over the internet with its own app, Facebook, Twitter, all of it! Keep in touch with everything the London designer’s doing via her Facebook page.

Arent & Pyke: Closer to home, Sydney duo Juliette Aren’t and Sarah-Jane Pyke are also sharing photos of their work and things they love on Facebook.

Shaynna Blaze: Twitter, blogging, Facebook ; the The Block judge and Selling Houses Australia presenter is all over it!

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

6 replies on “The interior designers on Facebook”

I couldn’t put EVERYONE in Mark, someone was always going to be upset! Haven’t I given you enough of a mention recently?! πŸ˜‰

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