Design Designers Kids Rooms Styling

The unisex nursery: A practical and timeless choice

I’ve always admired people who could wait to find out the gender of their baby. I’ve had three children and have found out every time – delayed gratification is certainly not my strong point. The nursery design prospects are just too alluring for me, however you can always eschew colour and embrace a neutral palette like this Melbourne family did before they knew they were having a baby boy – their first child, Harvey.

Unisex nursery
Harvey’s gender neutral nursery features an Olli Ella rug, wallpaper from Magic Wallpaper and prints from Printspace.

“My clients didn’t know if they were having a boy or girl so we designed the room to be gender neutral, with boy or girl elements that could be added later. The clients wanted a very classic, elegant and serene space. It’s a tiny room so we needed to be clever with fitting everything in without making it look too small,” says interior designer Belinda Nihill, creative director of Nest Design Studio.

The gorgeous details
The gorgeous details – the hand-stitched cushion is from Little Willow Vintage

Working with a Boori cot and change table that the clients had already purchased, Belinda was tasked with selecting all the other items to complement. A tonal mix of cream, grey and white, the space is an elegant and tranquil one.

Boori change table
Belinda’s clients had already purchased the Boori change table and cot

“I think neutral nurseries are, in general, very elegant. They can be timeless and are a great option for parents who aren’t finding out which sex they are having. To have a room that is beautiful as is, and then being able to add some simple boy or girl touches once baby arrives to add some additional design elements to the room is ideal,” says Belinda.

Pottery Barn shelves
Pottery Barn shelves

One of the room’s hero pieces is the rocking chair that sits in the corner. “I think the beautiful Pottery Barn Kids Chair and shelving really make the room. That little corner, complete with beautiful custom cushion, marble detailing and grey velvet is just perfection,” says Belinda.

The tranquil feeding area is Belinda's favourite part of the room
This tranquil feeding area is Belinda’s favourite part of the room

Belinda is a big fan of the wallpaper too – a simple, neutral choice, it could potentially see Harvey through to his teenage years. “I love the wallpaper as it’s a design that is really versatile.”

The artwork is from Printspace

Photography: Rachel Winton

For more | Nursery design 101


By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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