
This year’s top 3 bathroom trend predictions

Freestanding baths, heated towel rails and customisable bathroom furniture are the top three Australian bathroom trends predicted by Reece for the year ahead.

Kado Lure Freestanding Oval Bath

Freestanding baths

This category has seen the most significant shift, tripling in popularity over the last three years. With so many captivating freestanding options available, this is fast becoming the must-have item for any modern bathroom. Designers and consumers alike have embraced the trend, with nearly every finalist in the annual Reece Beautiful Bathroom Competition showcasing a freestanding bath.

Luxury heated towel rails

Heated towel rails have more than doubled in growth over the last three years and are one of the most popular categories, especially in winter. “Australian homeowners enjoy the instant touch of luxury a heated towel rail offers,” says Reece Bathroom marketing manager Belinda Geels.

Customisable bathroom furniture

Studies show that Australians are making more considered decisions about the types of products they put into their bathroom space, including furniture and high quality items. Reece has seen significant growth in the ‘bathroom furniture’ category, with a wide variety of fully customisable options now readily available. The most popular ranges include unique options that cater to the trend of increased personalisation in the bathroom. “Many vanity units now incorporate hidden compartments and additional storage options,” says Geels. “There has been a distinct move from simple cabinetry to elegant pieces of furniture.”

Kado Lure 1050 Wall Hung Vanity

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

3 replies on “This year’s top 3 bathroom trend predictions”

How is having a bathroom with a timber floor allowable in Australia with regulations on wetsealing everything? Looks absolutely beautiful though. A photo at night with the fire alight and lights low would be nice to see and perhaps a fluffy rug next to the bath??

Are these the timber-look tiles? they look fabulous! I’m loving the fireplace too. Bathrooms have come a long way – you could almost sleep in them now!

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