Designers Expert Tips Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT

The top 5 exterior trends for 2018

About to take on a renovation or just revamp your outdoor space? Well put down that paintbrush and read this. The team at Nexus Designs have shared their predictions on what’s in store for 2018 and there’s a few surprises. Two words… red bricks!


Increased awareness of texture is coming to the forefront. This is being expressed in two key ways, contrasting textures and self-patterned textures. Contrasts between gloss levels of the same material are highly effective. This trend has been increasing in the interiors sphere and is now extending to the exterior.

Self-patterned textures are being seen with the increased popularity of bricks, particularly in the new, more elongated shapes that are now available. This textural trend brings a level of craftsmanship to exteriors which is a welcome relief to acres of render.

Embrace textural contrast by using COLORBOND steel Matt for the roof and standard COLORBOND steel for the gutters and trims.

Red bricks

They’re back! But they will be used in a more considered way. Red brick has been used beautifully in heritage buildings and not-so beautifully in generic suburbia where it was a default choice. Now this classic, ancient building material (the Romans used it exceptionally well) is coming back and bringing with it a warm, premium finish. It’s not being used for whole houses but rather to enhance the building’s form, alongside other curated materials in a very contemporary way.

Natural finishes

With the resurgence of interest in mid-century Modernist houses, we are flagging an interest in a more authentic, natural approach to building materials. Referencing the way ground-breaking firms of that era (like Merchant Builders in Victoria and Pettit & Sevitt in NSW) used materials honestly, timber is being finished with a clear, natural or lightly stained coat rather than being disguised by heavy paint.

Photography by James Geer | Architecture by Sally Draper | Interiors by Nexus Designs


The appeal of neutral colours – greys, beiges, off-whites – is not going away, but it is becoming more sophisticated. The neutrality is being subtly enhanced by the use of different materials within one colour palette ie silvery grey concrete, mid grey bricks and dark grey roofing, which links back to the texture trend.

Photography by Mark Roper | Architecture by Inarc Architects | Interiors by Nexus Designs

Upgraded landscape elements

We are seeing new attention being paid to the peripheral elements of the house including garage doors, fences, sheds and water tanks, and how they work with the house and the streetscape. The trend is for these to be integrated into the overall exterior scheme, rather than being less important afterthoughts. Their impact on the landscaping is being recognised and being used to greater advantage.

For more on Nexus Designs | Our favourite outdoor furniture

By Olivia Shead

When she's not writing for Interiors Addict, Olivia is now a TV and radio news producer. She's a journalism graduate of UTS Sydney.

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