Bathrooms Expert Tips RENO ADDICT

Top tips for a smoother bathroom renovation

Nothing signals the beginning of a new year like a good home project! So if you feel like refreshing the look of your bathroom or embarking on a major overhaul, Granite Transformations’ design specialist David Barr has four top tips to assist you in avoiding a costly or lengthy bathroom renovation.

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1. Have a budget and stick to it, however build in a 20% buffer. A good rule of thumb is that you shouldn’t spend more than 5% of the value of your home on a bathroom renovation. So if your home is worth $400,000, allow up to $20,000 on a bathroom.

2. It is vital to take measurements of a room and outline space requirements before purchasing and installing any new bathroom products. Be aware of existing fixtures, such as plumbing and electrical outlets, doors and windows.

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3. Whatever timeframe you think it will take, double it! Keep in mind a complete bathroom renovation can take up to 18 days including demolition, plumbing, electrical and insulation, whereas a bathroom makeover can be turned around in as little as two days, as often you can re-use existing cabinetry, plumbing and electricals.

4. Move towards simplicity, with contemporary and minimalist design and fixtures. A pristine, uncluttered layout and style, utilising clever storage, will make your bathroom appear spacious and inviting. Maximise space by adding a large mirror to give the appearance of a larger and more open room. Add a focal feature with mosaic tiles in combination with granite or other materials, such as timber and soft furnishings.

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For inspiration on Granite Transformations’ range of bathroom makeovers and Trends Surfaces, visit their website.

By Olivia Shead

When she's not writing for Interiors Addict, Olivia is now a TV and radio news producer. She's a journalism graduate of UTS Sydney.

3 replies on “Top tips for a smoother bathroom renovation”

I love your idea of coming up with a clean and uncluttered bathroom. I love to decorate, restore, and renovate different rooms in my house. Sometimes I go a little crazy and put to many unnecessary decorations around my home. More often than not, by the time I am finished redecorating the room, it feels a little cluttered and busy. Keeping clean and simple designs in mind, will help you feel good about your renovation. Thanks for your tips.

I really want to remodel my bathroom but i am not sure if i should go with a darker color or brighter. I personally love darker tiles but i have a family of 4 and they don’t. I wish i lived alone, i’d black it out completely haha.

Great article 🙂

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