Interiors Addict

Want to get your homewares in the media? Try Press Loft.

By Fiona Michelon

We were thrilled when Jen asked us to contribute a guest post and introduce you to Press Loft. We specialise in the interiors industry ourselves so definitely share her passion for gorgeous brands in Australia!

Press Loft is all about securing product placement features for home and gift brands in print magazines and blogs, and at an affordable price. Being an online portal where everything is streamlined, we’re able to make hundreds of amazing opportunities available every week to any company, large or small, with or without a PR agency.

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Since a beautiful product image is often all it takes for a journalist to want to include you in their features, it’s key to put these (along with the associated info) in front of the right people at the right time. This is why Press Loft’s online model works so well, we simply hold high resolution product images, stockist/contact info and press releases from hundreds of brands all in one place. Since launching in Australia almost 3 years ago, we’ve quickly become interiors journalists’ first point of contact for their pages.

Ellen Driscoll from Country Home Ideas and Modern Home agrees: “Press Loft is a great tool for putting together features for our pages. There’s plenty of images available… that’s exactly what you need when you’re working to deadline.”

Gone are the days where gaining press coverage costs you thousands of dollars per month, or takes up hours of your time per week. Once you’ve uploaded your high res product shots to Press Loft, you can sit back and track where and when you’ll be featured, which is so exciting for us to see too!

Home Design feature
Press Loft clients in a magazine feature

As Press Loft is largely a DIY service, we’re different to an actual PR agency, but the effectiveness of the site could perhaps be gauged by the fact dozens of PR agencies themselves are using the service. For agencies, we broaden their media reach and streamline the product placement side of things so they can focus on other areas of their client’s PR campaigns.

Danielle Nichols from online store Form.Function.Style says: “The amount of editorial and press generated has well surpassed our expectations. Previously, the amount of time spent on PR, sending out single high res files to the appropriate media, occupied time which can now be spent on other areas of our growing business. I would recommend Press Loft to any retailer, to create broad media exposure.”

I’m really excited to announce we are now offering 60-day free trials to brands who sell interiors products! If you have professional, high res product shots we’d love to offer you free access to the full service. Just get in touch with us

Fiona Michelon is director of Press Loft Australia.

By Guest Poster

If you have high quality, original, relevant content to share, we might be interested in publishing your guest post on Interiors Addict. Please email [email protected] with your submissions.

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