
What stylist Julia Green wants for Christmas…

I asked interior stylist Julia Green, of Greenhouse Interiors, what’s on her Christmas list this year.

Julia Green

1. I would LOVE a Christopher Boots light. My new obsession!

christopher boots

2. I’m lusting after a combi van to fit all of my props in to traipse around. The Mazda isn’t cutting it.

3. And really think it’s time I invested in a large set of Reidel glassware. I drink too much to not do it in style!


Read my interview with the inspirational JG, who completely changed careers to become a stylist, from earlier this year.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

3 replies on “What stylist Julia Green wants for Christmas…”

With you on the glasses front! Have made the commitment to use my best cut crystal all the time (not the kids though!). Have adopted the adage that if I love it I should use it all the time and not save anything for best. Quite liberating. Water from Waterford? Why not!!!

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