Interviews Styling

Stylist Julia Green, totally addicted to her job

Looking at Julia Green’s styling work, it’s very hard to believe she’s only been doing this professionally for 3 years or, indeed, that she spent 15 years in the corporate world of pharmaceuticals!

Julia Green

Yes it’s true I used to pedal drugs… all legal ones though,” she jokes. “After uni I needed to earn money. I saw an ad in the paper promising a car and money. I interviewed and blow me down, I got it. Then comes the timewarp of some 15 years where I sell, manage and recruit in that industry before having my last baby and realising I had been living a lie.”

Fenton and Fenton shoot

Whilst everyone always told Julia she should be “in interiors” she had no idea how to turn her passion into a real job, or that stylists even existed (true story). Then fate intervened. One day, a man came to her door to collect a couch she’d sold him on eBay. “Ends up he is a photographer for Vogue and he asked me who I styled for. In perfect ignorance, I asked what he was on about, only to learn of a whole new world out there, that I apparently should belong to. He gave me a card and told me to call. To cut a long story short, I have not stopped running from job to job ever since!”

She claims her really big break came though, when she met photographer Armelle Habib, her “greatest idol and mentor in this mad business”. She credits her with fast tracking and training her “eye” to look at things in a whole new light. “I thank my lucky stars I work with someone so God damn nice and sublimely clever as her. She could make a paper bag shoot well, so I always go into our work together with such confidence that we will get what we came for!”

Kip & Co lookbook
Kip & Co lookbook

In fact, the pair, who share a genuine love of their jobs, have become pretty much inseparable. “Most mags have figured out we are joined at the hip,” says Julia. “Whilst we both freelance and work with others occasionally, it would be fair to say we spend most working weeks together. We have an utter commitment to getting the best shot and we know we’re not solving third world problems either, so we just get it done with a smile and often, a glass of wine!”

Like every other stylist I’ve interviewed, she preaches the importance of work experience for aspiring stylists. “Styling is not what it looks like, total smoke and mirrors! It sounds glam and looks so fun when you see the shoots in glossy mags but in truth, not a day goes by when I’m not doing something like hiding outside a house, holding up half a tree above a window, often in the pouring rain. I am a glorified furniture removalist at the best of times, so be prepared to sign up for some hard yakka! But I’m completely addicted to it! That final creation of a shot, when it is done and dusted, sends me into a tailspin each and every time. It is complete and utter satisfaction when you know everything you have done to make a shot what it is and to the reader, it looks effortless.”

The Family Love Tree shoot
The Family Love Tree shoot

Having spent years snapping up the latest interiors mags as soon as they hit the shelves in her former life, it’s no surprise Julia likes to spend most of her time on editorial work, although she does take some private styling jobs. She even writes the copy to go with the images, which is a rarity among stylists. These days she’s mixing it up a bit with advertising work, and has started working with fellow stylist and writer Jacqui Moore.

Melbourne born and raised, Julia thinks it’s the best city in the world. “I’m such a Cancerian and can’t imagine living anywhere else. Melbourne has everything I want and need: great food, 4 seasons, which I really love, and awesome people. It’s such a cool city and has so many arty fartys who make it interesting.”

Inside Out cover
Inside Out cover

Not surprisingly, Julia’s own home (when it’s tidy) epitomises that clever stylist’s mix of eclectic pieces that would look all wrong in anyone else’s space. “I just know what I like and bang it all together and hope for the best! To me, my house is full of things from all eras, even collectibles from when I was a kid, and although my stylist eye means things have to be in the right composition, it’s pretty hotchpotch. I used to have so much pride in it but now that I style 7 days a week, it’s become the poor cousin! Poor house, I feel sorry for it.” As a busy mum, gone are the days of getting up at the crack of dawn to go hunting for the latest decorative treasures at markets. “Give me some beauty sleep any day!”

As if she wasn’t busy enough, Julia also mentors local Melbourne artists in her boutique designers project, something she’d love to spend more time on. She thrives on helping them build their brands and get exposure. She started with Emma Cleine of Lumiere Art + Co, who is now stocked in 150 stores and has two employees. “Amazing really. I started this as I felt a connection with her product and when I love something, I know I can sell it,” she says.

Real Living

Julia often works 90-hour weeks to fit everything in, despite recently taking on two “amazing” assistants, who, like her, had no interiors background. “So much of this job is attitude. You need a bit of intuitive nous with styling, but I think anything is possible if you want to do it and these girls are proving that to me. They just share my crazy passion.” And I guess you could call that her way of giving back.

As for keeping a tidy home with sons (aged 3 and 10), forget about it! “I would love to tell you I live in a pristinely well styled home but I would be lying! There is crap everywhere! I just let it go these days. Life is too short and I would rather hang out with my kids in my mess than clean it all up and waste the chance to see them. They are precious, precious people. Just messy ones.”

Visit Julia’s website.

All photography by Armelle Habib.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

26 replies on “Stylist Julia Green, totally addicted to her job”

Great article Jen! It’s so true- if you follow your passion and truly love what you do, every day is exciting ( whilst not without it’s challenges). If you have natural talent, you don’t need formal qualifications, an eye for styling or interiors is pretty much innate- sure, there are lots of technical aspects you can learn, but in the end, you either have a ‘feel’ for it, or you don’t. Julia’s styling is just gorgeous!

Great article – love hearing that a styist’s home is not perfectly spick n span, would love a ‘lived in’ pic ! As a mama a mama to 3 boys, I have to say my interiors addiction is sending me mental as I can never maintain my house the way I would like it! But please Jen tell us where Julia’s outfit is from?! love!

Jules, as someone who has followed your career for many years, your talent and energy is amazing. It’s easy to see why your skilled services are in demand. Aim high and enjoy.

I consider myself very fortunate to have forged such a strong collaboration and friendship with my energetic and talented agent Julia Green…this interview is honest and lovely just like THE JG…Ali x

Gorgeous Jules aka “Nordy” – your styling, passion, boundless energy and enthusiasm inspire everyone! Thanks for sharing your story – I love it and am eternally grateful our paths crossed those many moons ago…big love, other Nordy xxx

What an honest, funny and entertaining interview. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Julia over the past couple of months and I’ve never felt more inspired or encouraged. Her enthusiasm, energy and passion is contagious and I thank my lucky stars I’m able to learn from such a talent. Thanks Jen for another great interview!
Alana x

I love Julia’s story. Almost as much as I love working with her. How lucky I am. This is a woman that doesn’t need any luck wished upon her and her growing success; she has made so much happen for herself and the artists that she represents that proves what an undeniable talent she is. Thanks for sharing her success and work with your followers Jen.

“When you love what you do you will never work another day in your life”…
Well done Jen, Julia and Armelle, an insightful and honest interview with the pocket rocket stylist that is Julia Green.

Julia – just fell head over heels in love with you again! A lovely pure story, Jen.

Julia Green is an absolute legend and her style is so innate. Her talent is endless as is her enthusiasm and zest for life. Blessed am I to be her friend and admirer. xoxo Megan

I really shocked by reading this story. Its unbelievable how could a lady should be so perfect in interior designing after 15 years of work in pharmaceuticals. I liked her enthusiasm towards work.

Yay, this was so interesting, I’m a pharmacologist turned designer (only i did it when is started having babies straight out of Uni, i didn’t wait to get creative) & can’t imagine a colourful, fun filled life – out of a lab coat!! Best of all, Julia sounds like a great person, but doesn’t doing what you are naturally awesome at . . . bring out the best in people, love Posie

Julia, You were always destined for greatness and beautiful things. I was in awe of you at 13 and still am today. Your amazing….love you x

What a great write up Jen. After seeing Julia’s work at Life In Style I am over the top smitten with her work. And so nice to see someone finding their passion later in life you are never too old!

So inspiring! I am making the move form Christchurch, NZ to Melbourne myself in a couple of months purely to immerse myself in this creative city! My dream is to become an interior stylist, but like Julia in the begining, I have no idea how to get my foot in the door of the industry. Fabulous article, you have given a clueless creative hope my friend!

This article was truly inspiring and encaptivating to read! I am currently studying Interior Design, and you better believe i doubt myself so much! It is unbelievably encouraging to read about Julia, having a background of 15 YEARS in pharmaceuticals, could establish such a big career change in 3 years!!!! Such beautiful imagery in this article aswel. This is one lady i will keep my eye on to turn to for inspiration when the doubts set in!


Great story and truly inspirational. I was hoping you could tell me where I could source the print that is featured in background ( behind Julia Green).

Thank you in advance.

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