
Renowned interiors photographer Armelle Habib’s debut art

Armelle Habib is one of interiors most sought-out photographers. I wouldn’t be exaggerating when I say we publish a home or furniture range she’s shot nearly every week! So when I found out she had decided to launch her own limited-edition photographic art print range — inspired by travel — I wasn’t surprised, but I was extremely excited.


“Launching my debut collection has been something I’ve thought and talked about for a while,” explains Armelle. “If I boiled it right down, my love of travel is what led me down the path of becoming a professional photographer, so hence this range is inspired by travel, warm climates, texture and colour!”



[contextly_sidebar id=”bkdpnPGNlXyk41S9tL9ktgN3SnsiEvEv”]Having recently entered motherhood, whilst also renovating her home (busy bee!), the idea for the range came about when Armelle was contemplating her blank walls. Finding herself daydreaming about Croatia where the skies were blue, the water clear and the air warm, she dug out some shots from the archives, printed one and hung it on the bare wall. “Friends have always encouraged me to curate a series, so with this and my reno in mind, I made some selections of other places I would love to be, and here we are. I guess it has been a long time coming. It has always been on the cards.”


Now rather than taking photos of beautifully styled interiors, Armelle’s artworks are being used to help style those exact same spaces, with her prints being very well-received. “It seems that people’s love of colour and exotic destinations is a shared one, and the prints are heading out to many interior projects and walls in people’s homes as we speak.”



Clearly a summer fan (Armelle believes she was a lizard in a past life!), her collection was inspired by her love of warm, tropical and exotic environments. “The colours and landscapes of Mexico were hard to beat and feature heavily in this first collection, as do beaches. My prints sum up the escapes I take in my head from the depths of our cold winter months here in Melbourne.”


So, if you’re feeling like an escape yourself (it may be summer but let’s admit Australia has notoriously moody weather!) check out Armelle prints now. All prints come with a certificate of authenticity and are signed and numbered.

Shop online.

Photography by Armelle Habib | Styling by Julia Green

By Olivia Shead

When she's not writing for Interiors Addict, Olivia is now a TV and radio news producer. She's a journalism graduate of UTS Sydney.

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