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Amazing backyard transformation for under $1,200

Interior designer Katy Thomas is one of the many Australians who has shifted her focus to revamping her existing space, and creating an oasis in her backyard this summer. She also managed to do so on a tiny budget, spending under $1,200 and all at Bunnings!


Reflecting on the original space, she says: “This part of our backyard was so overgrown. We had so much bamboo, old pavers, and it was a space we didn’t use.”

Katy says that it was very important for this outdoor space to connect with the rest of her home, so she utilised lots of white and natural timbers, in order to extend her interior design style, and create a feeling of relaxed sophistication.

It was also important, on such a small budget, to cleverly incorporate the existing features of the space. “We have so much bamboo,” says Katy, “So the plan was to neaten it up by creating a white screen fence which really helps to frame this corner of the garden. I love how the bamboo provides some greenery behind the fence!”


This makeover has also completely altered the way in which Katy uses this space, and now, she says, is the perfect time of year to enjoy it. “I’m so excited for Christmas out here!” she adds.

“The biggest transformation to this space is definitely the white screen fence,” continues Katy. “The most affordable way to achieve this look was to use fence palings from Bunnings which cost $1.40 each. Once painted white they look amazing. The new round pavers have also helped to finish off this space.” 

Katy utilised the space carefully, creating different zones using furniture. She acknowledges the importance of planning, and suggests that prospective renovators create a wish list online, so that they know the costs upfront.


She also recommends that to gather inspiration and cultivate a cohesive look, creating a moodboard is a game-changer. “I moodboard every project which makes the process so much easier. I often visualise the beautiful end result I want, then work backwards researching all the elements I’d need to achieve this look within my budget.”

Of course, you don’t have to completely overhaul your backyard in order to rejuvenate it for the summer. “A small change can make a big difference,” says Katy. “For example, a coat of fresh, white paint is an easy and inexpensive way to brighten and refresh a space.”

Thinking outside the box can also be helpful, for achieving the look you want within your budget. In Katy’s yard, she used round pavers for something a little different against the white stones.



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By Skye Viviers

Skye Viviers is a fourth year student at UNSW, completing an internship at Interiors Addict as part of her degree.

6 replies on “Amazing backyard transformation for under $1,200”

A detailed cost of what actually made up the $1200 would be more useful to the reader and make this piece more substantial than just a light brush over description of the project.

As the heading of this article mentioned cost I was expecting a rundown of pricing for the furniture, pots, plants and materials used.
A bit disappointed.

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