Competitions Styling

August 7 Vignettes with Officeworks: win $500

We hope you’re all rested and raring to go after last month’s little holiday from 7 Vignettes (its first in more than two years!). Please take a read of our new guidelines. While we haven’t made any major changes to the monthly challenge we hope we have spelled out how to take part, what’s allowed and what’s not a little clearer. If you have feedback, you can always contact us.

Next month, Officeworks are our guest judge and sponsor, providing a generous $500 voucher for the overall winner and daily theme prizes of a set of three Moleskine Cahier Large Plain Notebooks. Hoorah! “Officeworks is all about supporting big ideas, so we love following #7vignettes on Instagram with Interiors Addict,” a spokesman said. “We can’t wait to be inspired by your creativity with this month’s challenge!”

Here are some Officeworks products you might like to spend your voucher on if you win…

officeworks interiors addict 7 vignettes

Mira desk lamp | High Linen storage drawers | Martha Stewart adhesive bookplates | Indiana desk

And here are the themes…

01_Instagram_InteriorsAddict_640x640[3] (1)

So next month, please tag @interiorsaddict and @officeworks. Happy prepping and I look forward to seeing you all on Instagram again next Saturday 1 August!

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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