
Which tradies do what in a bathroom reno?

Not quite sure who does what in a bathroom reno? As one of the most renovated rooms in Australian homes (the kitchen is the other), everyone gets round to revamping their bathroom sooner or later.

Image: Precision Constructions
Image: Precision Constructions

But if you are a first timer, you really need to know what tradies you are going to need. Here is our overview of all the essential personnel you will need, depending on the scale of your project:


Perhaps the most important tradie in this list, a licensed plumber is critical to any bathroom reno, no matter the size of the project. He can take care of little jobs, like installing new tapware, to larger tasks such as installing a toilet, sink or that awesome freestanding bath!

Bathroom designer

If you are renovating a bathroom from top to bottom, a bathroom designer can help you decide where everything goes. This is not only important from a practical point of view – everything needs to be in the right place – but you would be surprised what can be squeezed into the smallest of spaces.


A cabinetmaker can help you get organised with custom storage or whip up your dream vanity. One thing you don’t want is clutter. Sensible storage helps you stay organised and sane!

Image: Interiors 2340
Image: Interiors 2340


You might think a sparkie and water don’t mix, but every bathroom needs lighting – task, general & mood. How else are you going to make sure you look just right? Other electrical elements you might need include powerpoints, heated towel rails and any other fancy smancy gadgets that require hook up to power.


Don’t underestimate the value of a good tiler, they can make or break the look of your bathroom. Just imagine your shower recess doesn’t drain properly – small details that a quality tiler will take care of.

Image: Love to Plumb
Image: Love to Plumb


A trade that is often overlooked, a waterproofer will use a variety of membranes to make sure your bathroom is properly sealed. This is especially critical around your shower and bath, but also for your floor. Who wants leaks sprouting up all over the place?

Dedicated bathroom builder

A dedicated bathroom builder is a one-stop shop for your project. They will take care of all aspects of the job, from plumbing to waterproofing and everything in between, including the design. They will have all the necessary tradies on staff or at the very least manage any subbies for you. The great thing about this option is it minimises the hassle – they project manage it all on your behalf. Expect to pay for the privilege though.

Ready to get started? Don’t forget to check that the tradie you hire is licensed for the work they carry out. It is also a good idea to check references, especially for larger projects with a big budget.

– Craig Gibson is the online editor of, Australia’s largest network of trade professionals and the perfect place to find a bathroom specialist in your local area.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

0 replies on “Which tradies do what in a bathroom reno?”

Great list – who installs the floor (compressed sheeting over joists) if you removed them with the rest of the bathroom?

Hi Kerry, thanks for the question. Depending on who you are dealing with and where you live, a tiler, waterproofer or builder. They should all be licensed for the work they carry out. Hope that helps.

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