Appliances Expert Tips

Six tips for a functional and stylish laundry

A stylish laundry is possible with a bit of know-how.

The laundry has always been seen as a functional room in the home. But over the last decade, we’ve seen this room evolve into a space benefiting from well-thought out design and décor.    

Most basic laundries pre-90s and even early 2000s, were located in the garage or in a back room with limited bench space and cabinetry.

For some people, this describes the current state of their laundry. For others who have a newly built or renovated laundry, the space may need some styling to make it feel less ‘utility’.

1. Less is more

The laundry is typically a smaller room than the bathroom and it can often be a narrow space. Don’t overcrowd it with cabinetry or inject it with too many focal features. Minimal is key. Ensure your laundry has the following staples:

  • Washing machine
  • Dryer
  • Bench
  • Tub/sink and tap
  • Window/door for natural light and air flow
  • Cabinetry for storage

2. Conceal the plumbing

Hoses in a laundry are like cords in an office; they’re necessary, but can make the space look busy and messy. A plumber can conceal the water and waste hoses in existing cabinetry. If you have a top loader washing machine, this may not be possible.

a functional and stylish laundry using meir tapware
Project by Scope Building Solutions, Photo by Aspect 11 featuring Meir Tapware

Electrical cords can also be hidden by getting your electrician to supply an electrical outlet behind the appliance or in adjacent cabinetry.

3. Create storage

A laundry without storage won’t function very well. Build storage vertically with overhead cabinetry or open shelves. Think horizontally by adding baskets and trolleys for sorting through colours and delicates. 

Install robe hooks and a wall rack to hang clothes that may need extra drying time or some spot attention.

4. Add a bench

A functional laundry needs a bench. If you don’t have one, you can create one using this clever hack using a Kmart bamboo tray over the laundry tub.

Kmart laundry hack
Clever Kmart Bamboo Board Hack by The Plumbette

Alternatively, build a bench over the appliances to allow for a place to sort or store baskets of washing.

If you have a bench, keep it as clear as possible. This allows ease of sorting clothes or dumping baskets of washing, ready to be folded away. The bench can also offer a multipurpose space for ironing or sewing.

5. Think about light and air flow

Light and air flow are necessary for all laundry spaces as they can be dark and damp rooms.

Design your laundry so it has a window or door to allow light and fresh air in. A skylight can also save on energy costs while allowing daylight to filter through the room.

6. Style it up

Add a bit of personality to your laundry with some wall art, a few plants and a candle.

Display powders and detergents in canisters. Sprays can be emptied into brown glass spray bottles with labels. Style the canisters into a vignette so they are easy to reach when washing, but offer a focal point in the laundry.

Don’t forget a hand towel ring to hold your hand towel near the laundry tub and a stylish pump soap for washing hands.

For more Laundry Ideas

Interiors Addict

First things to do when you buy a house

You made an offer on a house and it has been accepted. A deposit has been paid, you have your pre-approved loan and a contract of sale is being drawn up by the solicitors to finalise the sale. Congratulations on making the first step to owning your home. But now it’s time to tick off the list of first things to do when you buy a house. If you’re not sure where to start, here are some steps that need to be done before you get the keys to the front door.

first things to do when you buy a house

First things to do when you buy a house

Legal paperwork should be checked

Engage with a solicitor to check over the contract of sale. The contract should be checked carefully and the best way to do this is to engage with a solicitor to read over the contract for you. This is the time to make changes to the contract, for example the settlement date, to ensure there are no legal misunderstandings.


Conveyancing can be done by the purchaser, but most home buyers will engage the services of a professional conveyancer. The conveyancer will make survey checks on the property (vitally important if the home has been renovated or extended), gather the building and pest reports and organise the transfer of property. To ensure there are no hiccups in this process, it’s recommended to use a professional property conveyancer to do the hard work for you.


There are inspections that will need to be booked to ensure there are no hidden surprises with the property. Building and termite inspections are the most common and are usually booked within the first five days after a private treaty sale. If you purchase at auction, you will be bound by the sale. Ensure the inspections are done before you bid at auction. You may also need to get electrical and plumbing inspections to check installations have been done legally and won’t incur cost to you after you’ve moved in. Again, the timing of these will depend on how you’ve purchased the property.


It’s important to organise home and contents insurance for the property you’ve purchased before the settlement date. Lenders will need a Certificate of Currency before they lend the money, which needs to be delivered to the vendor at settlement. Read the PDS to check what part of the house comes under building cover and what is covered under contents. Ensure you have the right insurance in place for how the property will be used. For example if the house is to be rented out as an investment property, landlord insurance will be needed, not owner occupied home and contents insurance.


The settlement day is the day where the cheque is given to the vendor and the keys are exchanged so the new owners can to move into their property. Your conveyancer will have advised the government departments about the change of ownership. This is the relieving part of the home buying process as the seller gets their money and you, the buyer are able to start the process of moving into your new home.

first things to do when you buy a house couple buying first house
Image: iSelect

There are a number of first things to do when you buy a house, but if you engage with the right professionals, the process can be less overwhelming.

DISCLAIMER : Any information in this article is provided for general information purposes only. No legal, financial and taxation advice is given and the reader accepts information in this article may not be applicable to their circumstances. Independent professional advice from an advisor in legal, financial services and taxation are to be conducted by the reader for their own personal circumstances. We do not hold an Australian Financial Services Licence as defined by section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and we are not authorised to provide financial services to the reader and we have not provided financial services to the reader.

How to save a deposit for your first home

Expert Tips

How to Declutter a Room Fast With These 5 Easy Steps

If you’re short on time, but your home is big on mess, you will want to know how to declutter a room fast with these 5 easy steps.

A messy home can make us feel overwhelmed, stressed and defeated. There is a correlation between the state of our homes and our wellbeing.

How to Declutter a Room Fast using storage
Image: IKEA

These tips will take away the overwhelm and give you a sense of accomplishment once the space is neat.

5 Tips on How to Declutter a Room Fast

Remove what doesn’t belong

Grab an empty washing basket and start placing items in the basket which don’t belong in the room. From toys to books to shoes – even socks, whatever is misplaced, place it into the basket. If its mugs or glasses of water, take them to the kitchen sink. Place valuables on the kitchen bench to be sorted through later. Once the basket is full, take time to put these things away to where they belong. Get the kids to help you if some of their stuff has ended up in the basket.

Critique the room

Look at the room and critique how it feels and looks. Are there too many cushions and throws on the sofa? Is the tower of books on the coffee table necessary? Could some be placed on a bookshelf instead? Is there too much décor on display? Could it be placed elsewhere or used for another purpose? Much of the clutter we own is often pieces we’re not sure what to do with. If you’re indecisive on an item, put it away in a box to see if you will miss it.

Dust and wipe down surfaces

In order to dust and wipe down surfaces like the TV unit, sideboard and coffee table, all items need to be removed. Be intentional on what goes back onto these surfaces.

Empty one cupboard at a time

Often we tackle a room by wanting to empty all the cupboards at once, but tackling one cupboard or storage basket at a time helps with clarity in thought when culling items and placing back what is necessary. Don’t buy more storage until the existing storage pieces have been emptied and culled.

Designate spots for items

New habits need to be formed to maintain a room so it stays clutter free. Setting up designated spots for items will introduce routine within the home. Have a drop off zone to prevent bags and shoes being dumped in the lounge room. Create a spot for mail and bills. Practice placing items back in their designated spot to avoid clutter.

how to declutter a room fast with chic storage in walk in wardrobe
Image: Freedom Wardrobes

Decluttering a room fast can be as simple as emptying its contents and being intentional on what is placed back into the room. For many of us, clutter is accumulated from day-to-day living so having designated spots for item placement will help keep the clutter at bay.

8 Ways to Declutter Your Home

Expert Tips

Additional expenses when buying a house

When you find a dream property to purchase within your budget it can be happy days indeed. Once that offer is accepted though, you may not be aware of additional expenses when buying a house. The upfront costs can vary depending on where you live in Australia and the conditions of your loan and size of your deposit. But here are the eight additional expenses you may not have considered.

Additional expenses when buying a house

Additional Expenses When Buying a House

Building and Termite Inspection

The moment your offer is accepted for a property, a building and termite inspection is often conducted before the sale becomes unconditional.

If you intend to buy a property at auction, these inspections may need to be done before you intend to bid as an auction sale does not allow for a change of mind due to results of a building and termite inspection.

There are building inspectors who can offer both a building and termite inspection in one, but for peace of mind, a separate termite inspection can offer a more thorough inspection. Generally, a termite inspector will have more expertise and specialised equipment to detect termites than a standalone building inspection.

Termite damage can cost thousands to rectify, so paying for this separate inspection will not only give you peace of mind, it could save you losing your hard earned dollars to fix unforeseen termite damage.

Plumbing and Electrical Inspection

Its common knowledge for a building and termite inspection to be completed before a sale becomes unconditional. But it’s becoming more common to get a separate plumbing and electrical inspection too.

It’s wrongly assumed a building inspection will check all the electrical and plumbing work of a property. Yet, plumbing and electrical are licensed trades. These areas of a home can be costly to rectify if there are any hidden problems. It’s a good idea to get a plumber out and put a camera down the drains to check for obtruding tree roots or damaged sewer pipes which could cause problems to you later down the track. Checking for a safety switch and unlicensed electrical work can also offer peace of mind for safety too.

Lenders Mortgage Insurance

The cost of lender’s mortgage insurance (LMI) will vary depending on the size of your deposit and the amount you have paid for your property. LMI is added to your loan if you don’t have 20% deposit or more for your property.

Loan Application Fees and Bank Charges

Fees for loan applications and setting up bank accounts can also come as a surprise when setting up the mortgage for your new property. Speak with your financial consultant or bank provider to understand these fees.

Conveyancing Fees

A solicitor or conveyancer is needed to manage your contract and the fees can vary for this service. A conveyancer focuses on property law and helps facilitate the contract from start to end. They can also do additional checks on the property to ensure all renovations, new builds and add ons to the property have been lodged to council or have been approved for installation.

Stamp Duty

Stamp duty can range from state to state and it can be another additional expense when buying a house. It may not be applicable to your purchase and the way to check this is to look at what concessions are available in your state for stamp duty. There are online calculators that can estimate the stamp duty you will pay for your property to give you an idea on the costs.

Home and Contents Insurance

Insurance is important to protect your new asset from any risks. Ensure you get the right insurance for the intent needs of the property. For example if you intend to rent the property, landlord insurance may be needed. Often it is a condition of the loan to have insurances set up and the financial institution to be listed as a financial interest on the certificate of currency.

DISCLAIMER : Any information in this article is provided for general information purposes only. No legal, financial and taxation advice is given and the reader accepts information in this article may not be applicable to their circumstances. Independent professional advice from an advisor in legal, financial services and taxation are to be conducted by the reader for their own personal circumstances. We do not hold an Australian Financial Services Licence as defined by section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and we are not authorised to provide financial services to the reader and we have not provided financial services to the reader.

What can you do when you buy a house and realise you hate it?


5 plumbing tips for small bathroom renovations

A plumber only plays a small part in a bathroom renovation. But the plumbing in a bathroom plays a vital part, because if it’s not installed correctly it can be a disaster. No matter the size of the space, plumbing makes a bathroom functional. However, small bathroom renovations can be tricky to ensure they are well-designed despite the area capacities. Here are 5 plumbing tips for small bathroom renovations to help you get the best design for your space, and avoid future headaches with maintenance later.

Snall Bathroom Renovations by The Stables with oval fixtures
Pic source:  The Stables.

Organise a plumbing inspection before you set your design

For a small cost, it pays to have a plumber inspect your property before you decide on the design of your new bathroom. Especially if you decide to move fixtures around from one side of the room to the other. Can the plumber get access underneath the floor for the new pipework to set up the new layout? Or can the floor be sawcut or chaised? Should the existing water pipes be replaced? Can you avoid drainage work and use exiting waste pipes for different fixtures? A plumbing inspection can tell you possible issues with your design ideas or help you set your plan in concrete.

reuse existing pipework in small bathroom renovation
Pic Source: Kit Haselden Photography

Replace water pipes

If you are demolishing the bathroom back to the stud walls, it pays to have all the water pipe work replaced and tested before the new walls go up. Water damage from leaking pipes is one of the leading causes for moisture in a bathroom. If you want to do it once, do it right the first time and replace the pipework. It is also important to replace gal pipework in older homes as any sediment in the pipes will damage your new tapware – which is an inconvenience and may not be covered under warranty.

Choose taps and fixtures you love, not what is on trend now

When choosing taps and fixtures, the decisions are often governed by the trends of the time. If you love it now, will you love it in the future? It can be hard to know. Matte black tapware is still trending and it is now a main contender with chrome. Will it become a classic like chrome? Only time can tell. But at least with tapware, it can be changed, unlike fixtures and wall surfaces.

best tapware for small bathroom renovations
Pic source: Meir

Think about future maintenance

Your plumber will be one of the only trades that comes back to change washers or cartridges in mixer taps or fix leaks after many years of use. Be sure to choose reputable branded tapware and fixtures to ensure spare parts are readily available. Worst case scenario, if your plumber can’t source a part, you will most likely need the whole fixture replaced which is an expensive exercise. Think about your future self and buy well-known brands to prevent a costly replacement.


plumbing tips for small bathroom compact toilet and vanity
Pic Source – Zou Build

Expensive is not always best

Expensive is not always best when it comes to choosing tapware and fixtures. Cheap fixtures and tapware should also be avoided as their poor design can often cause the plumber to take longer to install, using sealants to ensure a leak-free connection, which is not ideal. Middle of the range is the best way to go with your taps and fixtures and purchase from a reputable plumbing company like Reece or Tradelink.

5 Bathroom trends that are here to stay

What tips can you share when conducting small bathroom renovations? Anything you learned while getting your bathroom renovated?

Outdoor & Exteriors

8 Affordable Outdoor Furniture Sets

Finding affordable outdoor furniture sets can be a tough task when you have a specific look in mind, but have a beer budget.

But the key to any outdoor area, or living space for that matter, is the way it is styled. Selected pieces can be styled in a way you wouldn’t realise price was even a consideration. We’ve seen some amazing budget pieces from stores like Kmart, which can be interwoven into your living space to create an on-trend look.

With budget in mind, here are 8 affordable outdoor furniture sets to consider if you’re looking to style your outdoor space. We’re looking for sturdy pieces which can withstand the harsh Australian outdoors and can come in under a budget of $1000.

8 Affordable Outdoor Furniture Sets

1. Kmart Timber Dining Set, $199

Kmart is always the first point of call when looking for trendy and affordable outdoor furniture. We love this Timber Dining Set which is an affordable $199.

 Kmart Timber Bench Set for Budget Friendly Outdoor Furniture

To give it a sophisticated, yet classic update, add a black and white striped market umbrella from Temple and Webster. This whole set including the umbrella and base comes in under $450.

Affordable Outdoor Furniture Sets Black and White Umbrella for Outdoor Relaxation

2. Kmart Woven Lounge Chair $45 and Woven Side Table $29

Individual pieces from Kmart like this Woven Lounge Chair and Woven Side Table can be purchase to create a Boho outdoor setting. For 4 chairs and 2 side tables, you’re looking at an outlay of $238!

Outdoor Woven Chair Kmart

Affordable Outdoor side table Kmart Australia

3. Zanui Bangkok 3-Piece Dining Set $499

A lighter timber setting with bench seats can be a great way to fit more people around the table. In a lighter timber finish, this Bangkok 3-Piece Dining Set comes in at $499. Add some outdoor cushions to inject colour and interest to the space.

Timber Affordable Outdoor Furniture Sets with Timber Table and Benches

4. Bohoban 9 Piece Outdoor Setting $898

If you’re limited on outdoor space and need furniture which can be stored easily under the patio, the Bohoban 9 Piece Outdoor Setting may be the perfect solution. This outdoor setting is $898 and is great value for quality and purpose.

Outdoor 9 Piece Dining Alfresco Set

5. The Block Shop Milano Outdoor Set $199 (on sale from $399)

Sometimes a small space can only afford 1 table and 2 chairs. The Block Shop’s Milano Outdoor Set is usually priced at $399, but is currently on sale for $189. The blue and orange can offer a pop of colour to your outdoor area or front verandah.

Blue and Orange Outdoor Set for Two Affordable Beachside Setting

6. Outdoor Living Direct Layla Lounge Setting $999

The curves and mixed textures in the Layla Lounge Setting makes this a gorgeous outdoor setting to consider. The whole set comes in at $999.

Outdoor Living Direct Black and Grey 4 Piece Outdoor Furniture Setting

7. Fantastic Furniture Torquay 5 Piece Outdoor Lounge Set

The modular lounge is always a popular choice when it comes to affordable outdoor furniture sets. It’s a great option poolside and the chaise can be switched around to suit the layout of your outdoor area. Fantastic Furniture offer a budget option with their Torquay 5 Piece Outdoor Lounge Set for $699.

L Shape Outdoor Lounge With Glass Table Top

8. Early Settler Silas 3 Piece Package $999

My favourite is the Early Settler Silas 3 Piece Package for under $1000. This outdoor wicker set offers a contemporary edge and is perfect for a modern exterior. It’s not available till the end of October, but you will be loving its vibe when summer comes around.

Early Settlers Outdoor Furniture Set in Silas Moden Black Setting

Early Settler’s Stylish New Outdoor Furniture Range