Interiors Addict

Becker Minty is DIVINE!

This morning I had my photograph taken for The West Australian newspaper. They’re running a story on me and my blog later this week. They asked to take it at my home (sorry, no, too stressful! Not ready for my home to be judged just yet! But one day…) or a favourite homewares store. Now despite having interviewed owner Jason Minty, featured beautiful photos of the store on this blog and heard a million and one good things about it from stylists and fellow interiors addicts, I’d never actually been in. But I knew it would be a great place to have my photo taken and I wasn’t wrong. I’m hoping being surrounded by gorgeous things makes me look better in the photos!

It was also fantastic to meet Mr Minty himself in person. He showed me around the Potts Point store and told me the stories behind all the beautiful things he’s brought back from around the world. What a lovely way to start my week! Thank you, Jason, for the tour of your wonderful shop.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

7 replies on “Becker Minty is DIVINE!”

Isn’t this store absolutely fabulous? It’s like a jewellery box, full of the finest jewels! Love it, he has impeccable taste. You’ll have to share the pictures when you get them, I’m sure they are divine! xx

Thanks JA! I think it is for the Habitat section and out this Friday. If you spot me, let me know! I hope I don’t hate the photo! X

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