Interiors Addict

Bonnie and Neil move into bed linen, ceramics and rugs in latest collection

Yes, yes, I love Bonnie and Neil, and so do you, judging by the flurry of comments every time I post a photo on Instagram with my pink B&N tablecloth in shot! So of course I’m delighted they’ve expanded their cheerful range into bed linen, ceramics and rugs. Surely every room in your home could benefit from a little colour when it looks this good?

Bonnie and Neil 1

The designs are immediately recognisable as Bonnie and Neil but they’ve changed up some colours (more orange then pink this year and a lot of indigo blue, which I love too) and patterns to keep it fresh.

Bonnie and Neil 2

The plates take on last year’s popular Water Colour design in black, pink and blue. Throws, bolster cushions and pillowcases have been added in their move into the bedroom.

I’m glad to see there’s still plenty of pink in the cushion range, but also orange, blue, yellow, lilac, green and plenty of black, which should make them easy enough to fit into most schemes. They’ve also had fun with some great new trims.

bonnie and neil cushions

There are so many new table cloth designs you’ll find it hard to choose, but I’m pleased to say last year’s popular water colour and striped designs are still available, as well as chevron, florals and bang on trend geometrics. I think the table runners are fantastic value at $65 and make a real impact. There’s also plenty of tea towels (and napkins coming soon, I believe).

The new addition rag rugs are vintage and from Morocco, with no two the same. And their popular reclaimed timber shadow boxes and plant holders, and the fab timber tiles are still there too, in different designs. Phew.

Bonnie and Neil timber

Bonnie and Neil rugs

Just looking at these photos makes me happy! And I love how everything is handmade and hand printed using water-based inks mixed onsite at their Melbourne studio. Read my interview with Bonnie earlier this year here.

Many of the new goodies are available for pre-order now, to ship at the end of this week, so I suggest you move quickly as they tend to sell out fast and, because they’re not mass produced, you often have to wait. But all good things are worth waiting for, right?

Photography by Armelle Habib.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

One reply on “Bonnie and Neil move into bed linen, ceramics and rugs in latest collection”

Oh, these are absolutely gorgeous!! Especially the pillows on the first image, the last one looks kind of minimalistic, but still modern and nice (the 5th one). Thanks for sharing the images! 🙂

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