Bedrooms Dining Homewares

Bonnie and Neil’s new range: Botanical

The latest collection from Melbourne-based textile studio Bonnie and Neil showcases the beauty of Spring flowers, featuring pretty blooms, native florals and lush greenery.


Building on their previous collections of nature-inspired designs, Botanical also includes new oil paint patterns and geometrics in emerald, soft pink, cobalt and charcoal.  We’re in love!


Inspired by Bonnie’s years working as a florist, the collection introduces a new series of limited edition artworks, a first for the brand. These intricate paper prints are uniquely composed with flowers and foliage individually. Each layer is added intuitively which means no two prints are the same.

bonnie and neil paper prints

This month also sees the launch of Bonnie and Neil’s first ever retail shop, opened at the front of their Brunswick studio.  The retail interior has Bonnie and Neil’s patterns all over it from the floor to the timber wall tiles including Grazia and Co furniture which can be customised with Bonnie and Neil hand printed fabrics.



The shop also features glass windows into the studio so you can see the Bonnie and Neil team hard at work printing (and building) everything by hand.

Shop online.

Interiors Addict

Bonnie and Neil move into bed linen, ceramics and rugs in latest collection

Yes, yes, I love Bonnie and Neil, and so do you, judging by the flurry of comments every time I post a photo on Instagram with my pink B&N tablecloth in shot! So of course I’m delighted they’ve expanded their cheerful range into bed linen, ceramics and rugs. Surely every room in your home could benefit from a little colour when it looks this good?

Bonnie and Neil 1

The designs are immediately recognisable as Bonnie and Neil but they’ve changed up some colours (more orange then pink this year and a lot of indigo blue, which I love too) and patterns to keep it fresh.

Bonnie and Neil 2

The plates take on last year’s popular Water Colour design in black, pink and blue. Throws, bolster cushions and pillowcases have been added in their move into the bedroom.