Covet my coffee table Outdoor & Exteriors

Covet my coffee table: with Osier Belle’s Penny Camplisson

After such a beautiful week of our 7 Vignettes challenge over on Instagram earlier this month, it seemed a great time to share what’s on someone’s coffee table and we particularly love all the sentimental objects on Penny Camplisson’s.

The bowl of treats here for example, is actually a dog bowl which belonged to Oliver George Womble, her late dog who went with her everywhere. “He was such a character and I miss him terribly. I use his water bowl for snacks on my table, depending on the week and mood I’m in.

“I’m currently replenishing it with probiotic chocolate snacks that are delicious and curb my craving for the naughty stuff. It has been known to hold guacamole for dinner parties and cherries at Christmas!”

Penny is the owner of luxury outdoor furniture brand Osier Belle, and also on her coffee table is a photo of her daughter Isabella (now 22 and currently travelling around the UK with her boyfriend in a camper van!) and her mum in Paris. “I’m also very close to Mumma, she’s so funny and young-hearted. She normally comes to stay with me for at least six months of the year but it’s currently not possible.”

The zinc house holding candles is very symbolic. “Home is extremely important to me as I have moved around a lot (34 times!) and I light this with candles every night to relax and celebrate where I am in my life. It’s been a real challenge to get to where I am. My home, wherever I’ve lived, has always been my security blanket and that is why furniture design is so important and natural to me, I think.”

Penny found the pretty teacup in a market in Vienna. Her and her partner Michael were lucky enough to fit in a fabulous backpacking adventure just months prior to COVID. “The cup constantly reminds me how grateful we should be as things change beyond your control so it’s really important to live in the moment,” she adds. “I love the colours and the texture in the pottery. You can feel it has been handmade. It holds my tape measure I am forever using for work, plus my pencils and sharpener I constantly use for sketches and designs.”

For more on Osier Belle.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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