Interiors Addict

Dulux Colour Awards 2014 are open for entries

Exciting news for all architects, designers and students… The 2014 Dulux Colour Awards are open! This means it’s time again to explore the way colour complements structural form in the most inventive ways.

Last year's Atherton Gardens HUB Development project, by McCabe Architects and Bird de la Coeur Architects
Last year’s Atherton Gardens HUB Development project, by McCabe Architects and Bird de la Coeur Architects

As they have done for 28 years, the Awards celebrate the design excellence of Australian and New Zealand professionals, and showcase the crucial role colour has in creating a space. While every year the Dulux team urge entries to push the boundaries on “how colour is not only used, but how it’s perceived,” as put by Dulux colour & communications manager Andrea Lucenca-Orr, this year they’re still anticipating a high level of creativity. “We’re looking forward to seeing architects, designers and specifiers taking it that one step further with their innovative and inspiring application of colour,” she adds. 

In 2013, the winner of both the Grand Prix and the Multi Residential Exterior category was McCabe Architects and Bird de la Coeur Architects, for the Atherton Gardens HUB Development (pictured above). Colour, of course, played a “vital role” in the design process. It was used, says Michael McCabe, in a way to show how it “can stimulate the daily lives of those living in social housing” as well as how it can assist with the way a building is perceived in a heritage context. Obviously, embracing a creative approach to colour and architecture in the fullest sense, the Atherton Gardens HUB Development is a prime example of what these awards are about.

So, if you’re an architect, designer, interior designer, colour consultant, or a student of the above, then you’re eligible to enter. Submissions close on 6 February 2014, with the finalists announced on 27 February and winners on 27 March at a prestigious gala event in Melbourne. More information and details on how to enter can be found at  

By Tess Ritchie

Interiors Addict contributor Tess is a Kiwi who recently made Sydney home. She loves writing, art and design.