Interiors Addict

Exclusive: new canvas designs from Urban Road

Spring is upon us and so are the latest canvas designs from Urban Road, seen here for the very first time.


Modern homes will suit abstract works like Nebula and Colour Bomb, while more traditional spaces will love the balance of shades and textures found in Bottle Brush, Lace and Falling Leaves.

Field of Dreams


Create groupings and combinations with a few artworks or simply choose an individual piece.

Falling Leaves_Collection

All the artworks have been designed, created and produced by Sydney graphic artist Suzie Atkin. In addition to canvas printing and stretching, Urban Road now offers black and white timber box framing for all canvas sizes as an option.


The canvases are light enough to be hung with removable 3M hooks, making them a great option for renters who want someone large but not heavy because they can’t put nails in walls.

View the full collection.

Read the Interiors Addict roundup of affordable art options for 2013 here.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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