Art Expert Tips Homewares Styling

How to: make an inspiration board for your home office

I’m the first to admit to having a serious addiction to both Instagram and Pinterest. I am a visual learner and well, there are just so many pretty pictures, how can you not be? Yet, I still find myself collecting magazine cutouts and swatches of fabric (surely I can’t be the only person out there doing this?).

I wanted to create an inspiration board for my home office where I could physically pin such finds. I had a bit of a look around online and in stores and couldn’t find anything that matched my decor, let alone any that I was willing to have on show to visitors. All I found were plain boring cork boards or, if you wanted to mix it up, half cork board/half whiteboard and let’s be honest, nothing that looked like that would be going up on my walls! So, as you do, I decided to make my own. Here is what I made and now I’m going to show you just how easy it was to whip up!


Step 1: Decide on a frame and design + Pick up supplies

Being a renter, I needed something relatively light so my trusty 3m velcro strips would hold it up. This threw out my original idea of an ornate vintage frame, so I went for a lightweight and budget friendly option from my local junk shop. I opted for a monochrome pattern that was striking with a relatively easy pattern to paint (given my lack of painting skills).

  • Cork board
  • White primer paint
  • Black water-based acrylic paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Masking tape
  • Pins


Step 2: Time to prime

I never realised just how absorbent cork board was! It literally soaks up the primer as you’re painting, so you will need to do at least two coats to make sure you have a decent base.


Step 3: Mark out your pattern and paint

This is the most time-consuming part of this relatively quick project. Mark out your pattern with the masking tape. I didn’t use anything fancy, just a tape measure and a lead pencil to make sure my pattern was going to work out evenly across the board.


Then simply paint over the pattern. I would recommend two coats for this stage as well.


Step 4: Affix to wall

Once the paint is dry, remove the masking tape and ta-dah! Your pattern will all make sense. Then all you need to do is affix to your wall and get pinning!


I picked up these gold pins in a pack with gold paperclips and bulldog clips from Kmart for only two bucks!


–Kathryn Bamford is our girl on the ground in Melbourne; you can follow her DIY & design adventures on Instagram @thedesignrookie.

Expert Tips Renting

5 ways to make your (temporary) mark on a rented home

Decorate your home without the need of a hammer or drill and without damaging your walls with 3M Command Picture Hanging Strips, which hold up to 7kg. Visit for decorating inspiration and the chance to win some great prizes.

If there’s one thing that annoys me more than the painfully slow scoring process on The Block, it’s people saying you can’t or, worse still, there’s no point, in making an effort with your interiors if you rent your home. AAAGGGHHHH. Nonsense!

Of course there’s a point. One of the main things I hope to get across in this blog, is how much joy and fun you can get from making your home a nest, filling it with things that make you smile or perhaps feel calm and secure, or remind you of a great holiday. It can be as simple as the lovely feeling of your home being very “you” or feeling so super cosy that there’s nowhere you’d rather unwind after a busy day at the office. And it doesn’t have to be hard, expensive or permanent.

Here are my top 5 ways to add some personality and you-ness to your rented home. Because we all deserve to love our home and get the feel-good vibes that go along with that, whether we own or not. And let’s face it, it’s increasingly bloody hard to get on the housing ladder, especially in Sydney!

1. The last time I looked, rugs, furniture and accessories were all removable and therefore able to be moved from room to room or home to home, or even packed away and saved for a future home if they don’t work in the next place. There is no reason why you can’t invest in these items because they can move with you. Be smart and buy key, larger pieces in neutral colours.

My last rented apartment in Home Beautiful
My last rented apartment in Home Beautiful

2. Put up art and framed photos using 3M Command Picture Hanging Strips. These aren’t just for small frames.  You can use them to hang frames weighing up to a whopping 7kg. No limits! Creating a gallery wall of photos or hanging a favourite art print above your bed are now options without leaving so much as a mark on your landlord’s walls. Winning.

3. Change curtains and blinds. I have never EVER lived with the supplied curtains or blinds in a rental. I remove them, put them away safely somewhere and replace them with whatever I like. I simply put back the originals when I come to move out. You can also change the shower curtain if you have one.

Urban Outfitters sell great shower curtains online

4. Try removable wallpaper. There’s the vinyl self-adhesive kind (try Wallcreations or The Wallsticker Company) or the real paper kind (read about my experience with Publisher Textiles, tried and tested!) and you can damn well have that feature wall if you want it!

publisher textiles
My wallpaper being removed at the end of my last tenancy

5. Ok, so this one isn’t temporary but bear with me. Depending on how long you’re likely to live in your rental and how important your interiors are to you, weigh up whether you might be prepared to spend a little money on things you won’t be able to take with you when you leave. This isn’t for everyone, but I’ve done this myself. In one apartment I HATED the kitchen floor so much I offered to pay half for a new one and the landlord said yes. In another apartment, when I moved in, I realised quite how badly the place needed a lick of paint (but it certainly wasn’t bad enough that you could argue it HAD to be done). I offered to pay half to have the small place painted and the job was done within a week. Happy days! I can’t tell you what a difference it made and I didn’t regret a dollar. Yes, you won’t get that money back but if you, like me, are really fussy about what your home looks like, you might consider it’s money well spent.

Having both rented and owned, I don’t think there’s been much difference in how much love has gone into my homes’ interiors. How about you?

 Love to hear your tips for making your mark on you rental! Please share in the comments.

This post is part of a Nuffnang native advertising series.

Decorate your home without the need of a hammer or drill and without damaging your walls with 3M Command Picture Hanging Strips, which hold up to 7kg. Visit for decorating inspiration and the chance to win some great prizes.


Isn’t it time you got all that artwork framed?

Decorate your home without the need of a hammer or drill and without damaging your walls with 3M Command Picture Hanging Strips, which hold up to 7kg. Visit for decorating inspiration and the chance to win some great prizes.


There are certain jobs we all struggle to get around to: sorting out the spare bedroom, organising the laundry cupboard and, in my case, getting artwork framed.

I finally framed this precious Megan Hess illustration of me as a bride to be

The cluster of cardboard tubes in the corner of my home office has been getting out of hand lately. And it struck me that it’s all kinds of wrong to purchase beautiful things for your walls and then leave them rolled up where you, and nobody else, can enjoy them. So I got tough with myself and promised myself I would get at least 3 things framed this month. This has at least made a dent in the collection (I swear those cardboard tubes are breeding!)

Competitions Expert Tips Homewares

How to hang a picture wall with Country Road + win a $500 voucher for frames

Country Road are giving Interiors Addict readers the first look at their latest how-to video which takes you through hanging a picture wall, step by step. Even better, you can win everything you need to create your own!

If you can’t knock nails in your walls because you rent, you could always apply all the same principals but use the 3M Command Picture Hanging Strips I blogged about yesterday instead. Easy!

One lucky reader will score a great prize pack which includes:

Interiors Addict

Love your walls with 3M Command Picture Hanging Strips

Sponsored by Nuffnang

We’re currently long-term housesitting for my in-laws and I wanted to add a little personality to our temporary home. It’s no secret I believe being surrounded by things you love goes a long way to making you smile each day!

3m image no jen

It’s also no secret that I believe in making an effort with your surroundings, whether you rent or own and however long you intend living somewhere. Which is why I have always been a big fan of 3M Command hooks. Not being able to bang holes in walls has never held me back from decorating (just don’t buy the cheap imposter hooks unless you want to be woken in the night with a heart attack when your frames hit the floor) And I’ve always removed them at the end of a tenancy with no marks, flaked paint or dramas. Phew!

Interiors Addict

Exclusive: new canvas designs from Urban Road

Spring is upon us and so are the latest canvas designs from Urban Road, seen here for the very first time.


Modern homes will suit abstract works like Nebula and Colour Bomb, while more traditional spaces will love the balance of shades and textures found in Bottle Brush, Lace and Falling Leaves.

Interiors Addict

10 things people get wrong in their homes and how to fix them quickly & easily

1. Hanging artwork too high. I see it all the time and I’m afraid I will go to my friends’ homes and point this out (they thank me for it, most of the time). There must be something in human nature that says hang it up high, but think about it: art is there to look at, so it should be at eye level. Stick to this rule and you’ll find it all works much better. Go and have a look at where your art is. Is it too high? Does it make sense?

2. Buying rugs too small and placing furniture around them, not on them. My rule is this: buy rugs as big as you can afford. Put your furniture ON them, not around them. There are always exceptions to every rule but, in general, this approach looks and feels much better, grounds your furniture and defines spaces within multi-use open plan areas like living/dining rooms.

3. Forgetting about lighting. Lighting is key. It’s so important when it comes to creating a layered interior. It’s another layer all on its own. Overhead lighting, in most living areas, sucks. It might work in kitchens and bathrooms but it is often too harsh in living areas and does little to create ambience. Consider table and floor lamps at different heights and brightnesses to mix it up. Install dimmer switches where you can.