Interiors Addict

Folded Corners: this month’s Real Living

Welcome to a new feature on Interiors Addict called Folded Corners. What is she on about now, you ask? Well, every time I buy a new magazine, I end up folding over the corners of each page I find something I want to buy. It’s an expensive business. Clearly I don’t buy all of them or I’d never have any money, but it’s a fun passtime.

So I thought why not share my favourites with you each time a new issue hits my mailbox? Today I am starting with Real Living September 2012. That’s this one:

Subscribers already have theirs but I don’t think it’s on shelves until Monday. It has a fab neon cover and a $100,ooo giveaway with some awesome prizes up for grabs. There’s also a fab feature where you can see inside the homes of some of the country’s top stylists, including belle’s interior design editor Steve Cordony. I should also mention my interior designer friend Darren Palmer has his first project in Real Living this month (page 136), and it’s a very nice one indeed!

Here’s what I’m coveting from the current issue and where you can find it online…

Page 56: Origami crease vase from Have You Met Miss Jones

… and Copa lamp from Domayne (that was a good page!)

Page 59: Faceture Tall Vase in pink from The Minimalist (whose products are scattered throughout the entire magazine!)

Page 62: Apple tree scientific botanical wall print from Vintage & Nostalgia Co. 

Page 133: Alexandra von Furstenburg “Fearless” acrylic tray from Peters of Kensington

What did you like in this issue? Will you be getting your wallet out come pay day?

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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