Interiors Addict

Garage sale at Sibella’s. You’d be crazy to miss it!

It’s the stuff of a wannabe stylist’s dreams! This Saturday 5 May, Sibella Court is one of hundreds of people holding a garage sale as part of the Garage Sale Trail initiative, of which she’s an ambassador. Just imagine the treasures you could pick up in the name of sustainability and recycling!

“As you can imagine, from a 20-year career as a stylist and globetrotter I have quite the collection of oddities and curiosities,” she says. “Each and every piece was painstakingly wrapped and shipped when I moved my studio and storage from New York to Sydney. The time has finally come to say farewell to many of my objets, props, fabric by-the-yard, plates, cutlery, clothing, shoes, doors, souvenirs and bits n’ bobs. We are clearing out the cupboards and attic, or rather making room for new collections.”

Sibella and her assistants Hannah and Leah will be running the sale outside her shop The Society Inc. in Sydney’s Paddington. “We’ll be on hand to tell you what’s what and explain how the blue striped turban made it from the cameleer’s head to The Society Inc. and other wonderful objet histories. Come and discover a 3D timeline of my travels and life and take a piece home with you!”

Now who can say no to that?!

9am to 5pm | The Society Inc. | 18 Stewart Street | Paddington | NSW 2021

Find out about garage sales all over Australia this Saturday at the Garage Sale Trail website.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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