Interiors Addict

Grab a vintage homewares bargain online with the new Salvos Stores on eBay

I’m delighted to be a brand ambassador, alongside The Living Room’s Barry du Bois, for the new My Salvos Stores eBay shop.

Barry Du Bois
The Living Room’s Barry du Bois

Do you love furnishing your home with unique, affordable items but don’t always have the time to go out and rummage through op shops and speciality stores to find them? My Salvos Stores has the perfect solution. Access recycled homewares and furniture at your fingertips by shopping online at My Salvos Stores’ new eBay shop, with all proceeds going to The Salvation Army. Now you can shop online for great quality recycled goods whilst also helping a good cause.

Barry says: “As a builder and interior designer I’ve always loved mixing vintage with current pieces of furniture for a more unique look. By shopping at Salvos Stores you can find quality recycled items while supporting the community and environment at the same time. And now they’ve launched an online eBay store it couldn’t be easier! I’m very proud to be supporting such a great cause as the brand ambassador for this campaign”.

My Salvos Stores eBay Logo

Personally, I think it’s wonderful to see the Salvos going online, giving even more people a chance to not only pick up a great vintage piece of furniture, but to support a great cause too. I know my readers love mixing designer pieces with cheaper and vintage finds. My favourite thing in my apartment is a vintage marble-topped coffee table I bought on eBay!”

My Salvos Stores have been helping struggling families and individuals for over 125 years, and have raised millions of dollars to support The Salvation Army. Pre-loved furniture, clothing and goods are donated to the stores and then distributed free of charge to those in need through The Salvation Army’s network of Community Services Centres. Surplus donated goods are sold in Salvos Stores, which helps raise vital funds for The Salvation Army who help people in crisis, assisting people with food, shelter, housing, counselling and more. The stores also provide the community with quality products at a reasonable price and recycling used goods helps reduce the amount of textiles and household items delivered to land fill, in turn being beneficial for the environment.

Selected furniture items that have been donated to My Salvos Stores across the Eastern Territory will be sold via the eBay shop. Items will be available to purchase online through eBay’s buy it now or bidding option. Items sold will depend on what has been donated, with the focus being on vintage, unique household items such as dining tables, couches, bedside tables, mirrors, vases, quirky decorations, artworks, collectibles and more.

For more information visit

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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