House Tours Kitchens Real Renos RENO ADDICT

Real reno: Changed floor plan transforms Illona’s kitchen

Changing the kitchen layout and laying hardwood floors throughout made a huge difference to Illona McArthur’s family home in Parkdale VIC. We love the practical lessons learned and shared from this kitchen reno.


Illona and her husband spent around $90,000 and three months on the reno and estimate they’ve added around $200,000 of value to their 90s brick veneer home in the process. It was the third and most adventurous reno for the pair, who are fast becoming serial renovators! “Our first reno was mostly just painting, modernising the window furnishings and landscaping. The second, I wasn’t confident with my own style and we were guided by our builder for many aspects of the layout as well as finishings. This reno, I had two years to plan, so I had lots of time to really evaluated how we live and what our needs were,” says Illona. “We recently bought a run-down investment unit which we renovated as well. I can’t wait for the next project!”

When they first moved in, Illona loved the house but knew they’d want to replace the pink kitchen floor tiles and update the kitchen a bit. “Two years later and after playing with various kitchen layouts, we decided to bite the bullet and reconfigure the entire kitchen space, which involved knocking out a load-bearing pantry. The room was a great size so moving the pantry allowed us to really see how much room we had to work with.” They also decided to reconfigure the master bedroom, ensuite, walk-in robe and powder room. “It was easy to see the potential once we dared to look beyond the original layout,” Illona said.


While the couple renovated for themselves and not to sell, they have been bitten by the bug and are already looking for their next project. “We just can’t help ourselves. Mind you, I just love this house. It is so beautiful and I am so proud of what we have achieved with this renovation, I’m not sure I could leave it.”


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The flooring throughout the home was changed from pink/grey tiles to hardwood flooring. They chose standard grade spotted gum (“which has all the beautiful knots and colour variations of the natural timber”). The pantry which sat in the middle of the room was torn out, giving a large open space to build a new kitchen and dining area. Two additional skylights put in over the kitchen let in lots more natural light.

“My husband and I (well, mostly my husband!) did all the demolition works,” Illona said. “We sold our old kitchen on eBay to a gorgeous young couple renovating their first home – they turned up with a kitchen knife and began the painstaking task of trying to cut through the silicon holding the solid granite benchtop together. It was too painful to watch so we left them to it for two days before my husband just got in there and starting pulling the kitchen apart for them!”

They found a local builder who was happy to build without professional drawings which enabled Illona to literally develop the space as the frames went up. “The cabinet maker was even able to build the kitchen from the drawings I drew myself. We stayed living in our house during the renovation which allowed me to be on site for any decision that needed to be made, whether it was placement of the skylights or hand picking the timber boards which ran up the face of the island. Styling has been an ongoing project and I would say I have finally completed the kitchen space.”

As with most renos, there was the odd nasty surprise and once the plasterboard came off, they realised how unsafe the wiring throughout the house was, bumping up the electrician’s bill. “We also found that there was a gas pipe that had been leaking in the kitchen. I often smelt gas but it came and went and was never a very strong smell. Fixing this increased the plumbing expense as did having to replace the hot water service which decided to blow up two weeks before the renovation commenced!” Ouch!

The kitchen is definitely their favourite part of the reno. “We ran the hardwood flooring up the face of the island bench. It is just fantastic.” Illona’s biggest advice is to take your time planning and sourcing the materials and furnishings. “Ensure you find a great builder who will meet your needs. If you don’t have your own design style then employ people who do to help. If you do, then employ a builder who will allow you to express it to create your dream home. We did and it was a wonderful experience.

“Go with your gut, we met with quite a few builders before choosing one and a few of them didn’t get the job simply because they didn’t address me in our initial conversations, only my husband. I knew I couldn’t work with a builder who didn’t respect my input from the start. Just enjoy the creative aspect of renovating. It seems hard when you don’t have plasterboard or hot water but it is totally worth it in the end.”

Furniture Homewares Interviews RENO ADDICT

From vintage 1960s caravan to mobile homewares store

As a mother to three young children, Sarah Percy longed for a creative outlet. With a background in hospitality and a diploma in interior design, she dreamed of opening a shop, but knew the overheads and time commitment were too much. So, she thought of the perfect alternative solution: a shop on four wheels, in the form of a 1960s vintage caravan.


“I started to search the ‘net for a vintage caravan after seeing a few that had been converted into mobile bars. They are not easy to find and after numerous failed bidding wars on eBay, just after the birth of my twins, I got lucky. I remember being in the final seconds of the bidding war with a baby on each hip getting restless, thinking to myself how will I possibly get the last bid in? But as a multi-tasking mum, I did!”


A few weeks later, Sarah’s husband and father-in-law picked it up from Byron Bay and towed it back to their home on the NSW Central Coast. Lucky for them, the outside of the caravan was in good condition, however the inside was far from pretty! “The previous owner was originally going to renovate it himself but came to a standstill. He had already gutted the inside so this was one less job for us. But he had started to lay some ugly vinyl on the floor and grey tiles down one of the walls. It was pretty dismal looking on the inside, dark and closed in.”

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However, with a carpenter for a husband, Sarah was in a good position to start renovating. Keeping the outside true to its original style, inside was where the magic really happened. They cut out two small windows and added a long, server-style window, installed timber paneling, added bench seating and storage, polished the floor and installed new insulation and a pressed tin ceiling. “It’s very inviting now. Light and bright on the inside with that beautiful detail of the pressed tin ceiling and timber paneling, yet it still has all the character of its original self from the outside.”

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While the project was only supposed to be a hobby, as soon as Sarah started renovating, she knew she couldn’t wait to open shop. “It was always meant to be a hobby and something we could work on while the kids were at home still, and once they started school I would have myself a job without that fear of getting back into the workforce. But once we started to see the transformation, I knew I just had to make it work sooner.”

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Open every Sunday on the Central Coast’s Ettalong Beach, the caravan, called Blonde Onyx, sells a range of homewares from cushions and throws to small pieces of furniture, kids decor, wall art and pendant lights. Sarah also stocks her own range of hand poured soy candles, with the whole collection being a mix of Scandinavian and coastal charm.

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Having been very well received by the local community, Sarah has high hopes for the future. “I have grand plans for our little van once our children are all in school and my hands aren’t so tied. I’m constantly on the hunt for another caravan and while I don’t move location at this stage, it’s definitely something I will be considering. Starting this journey has opened my eyes to a whole new world of creativity and because it’s mobile, I have freedom!”

For more information.

Art Covet my coffee table Kitchens

Covet my Coffee Table: Nathan and Jaynie Johnson of Blacklist

Photos by Jacqui Turk

Welcome to the home of the talented, lovely and photogenic Nathan and Jaynie Johnson who own Blacklist, one of our favourite places to buy affordable Aussie art. 2014 was a great and busy year for them, including renovations and the birth of their gorgeous son Dare (pictured), their second child.


“We have lots of books on our ottoman that we like to use as inspiration and to relax. We have Lero Grannis, an encyclopaedia on palms and lots of books on fashion around,” Jaynie says. “We get most of our books online from The Book Depository. We also have a Mad Et Len candle which we bought from Island Luxe in Bangalow (one of my all time favourite stores).”



The pair bought their child-friendly ottoman from Charbella in Cronulla. “It’s handmade in Africa and we love it as it’s the perfect height and is easy for the kids. We didn’t want anything that they could knock as coffee tables always seem to be the perfect height for kids to hit their heads on. We also love that we can move it out of the way super easy and it doubles as a seat and foot rest when we need it to,” Jaynie adds.

The couple don’t always have a coffee table/ottoman so they needed a flexible and easily moved piece of furniture. “Sometimes we love to have it out with some of our treasures on display, and other times we just like to have the space in front of the lounge to play. It’s definitely part practical/part décor.

Nathan, Jaynie and baby Dare, at home in Cronulla
Jaynie, Nathan and baby Dare, at home in Cronulla

“We tend to not put glass on it, but we do like to leave items on it as we encourage our kids to not touch things that they shouldn’t. Dare is too young at the moment to try to grab things but Willow has always been brought up with the encouragement to not touch certain things and she has been very self controlled with it. We obviously ensure anything potentially dangerous is out of reach, such as antlers!”

Nathan and Jaynie have just finished renovating their kitchen and loved hosting family in it for Christmas. “We haven’t had an oven for four years,” Jaynie reveals. “We took ages to decide on what we wanted to do with the space but finally enlisted the help of our architect friend and the amazing ITF cabinetmakers and we have come up with a more than we could have hoped or dreamed for kitchen. We are about to start designing our bathrooms and then we will be almost finished with the house which is very exciting for us. It’s been a sloooooow process.”


The Johnsons’ home has a colour palette of black, white and timber and they love bringing in different textures. “Essentially, our interior style at home now is sophisticated seaside grunge!”

Jaynie’s favourite places to buy homewares include eBay, Les Interieurs, Water Tiger, Major Minor for linen and Retro Wombat in Thirroul.


Excitingly, Blacklist are about to launch The Black Factory. “We are currently turning an industrial warehouse into a hub for creatives with a photographic area, meeting rooms, desk spaces in an awesome mezzanine and warehousing, so we will be taking applications for tenants from early-to-mid January,” Jaynie says.

They’re also launching their first greetings card collection and journals in February at Life InStyle Sydney. Not to mention a new art print collection, Not All Who Wander are Lost. “We are eagerly awaiting the new year as it brings with it so many new opportunities and we can’t wait!”

See all our featured coffee tables.

Interiors Addict

Follow your passions. Follow eBay Collections

Brought to you by Nuffnang and eBay

Online shopping gets more advanced and more enjoyable by the month, and it’s become as normal to window shop or browse online as it has on the high street. I think that’s why anything that enhances and personalises the web shopping experience is a great thing. The new eBay Collections concept is a great way to get you inspired, by sharing other people’s curated collections of things they love, with you.

I don’t know about you but I love the shopping sections of magazines and blogs to give me ideas of what might go together or what to buy to represent the latest trend in my home or wardrobe. It’s like someone doing the hard work you and serving you up their handpicked items on a plate. It saves me trawling through pages and pages, and certainly when it comes to eBay, despite the numerous filtering options, there’s so much for sale there, it can sometimes be an overwhelming task. Now eBay Collections presents you with things you might love by people whose taste or style you love or trust. They’re like moodboards (and us interiors folk do love a good moodboard!) but shoppable. See something you like? Click and buy. Simple!

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I was delighted to be asked to play a part in the launch by sharing what I’m passionate about – homewares and making your home happy and beautiful – with eBay members. It was fun putting together my five Collections; like shopping without spending any money (although it is, of course, always tempting!). I spent hours browsing homewares, cushions (of course!) and items grouped by trends and colours (yes, navy!). I hope you’ll love what I’ve picked.

You can make your own too, to share with others, enabling you to bring your own passions to life. You might be planning a new bedroom and want to collect together all the items you find for it on eBay in one place. Or simply follow people (your favourite sellers, influencers, bloggers or the eBay Curation team) to find out every time they post their favourite finds. Check out the Featured Collections page for ideas.

Find out more about eBay Collections and learn how to follow and create your own collections here.  

You can even get paid to build Collections. Sign up here.


Interiors Addict

My home in Home Beautiful, out now

I’m so excited to tell you that our apartment (well, the one we moved out of last month!) is in this month’s Home Beautiful. Such an honour!

In the article, I talk about my favourite possessions and my role as an amabassador for the Salvos’ new My Salvos Stores’ online eBay store, alongside the lovely Baz Dubois from the Living Room.

Interiors Addict

Grab a vintage homewares bargain online with the new Salvos Stores on eBay

I’m delighted to be a brand ambassador, alongside The Living Room’s Barry du Bois, for the new My Salvos Stores eBay shop.

Barry Du Bois
The Living Room’s Barry du Bois

Do you love furnishing your home with unique, affordable items but don’t always have the time to go out and rummage through op shops and speciality stores to find them? My Salvos Stores has the perfect solution. Access recycled homewares and furniture at your fingertips by shopping online at My Salvos Stores’ new eBay shop, with all proceeds going to The Salvation Army. Now you can shop online for great quality recycled goods whilst also helping a good cause.