Interiors Addict

Interiors Addict mentioned in Abigail Ahern’s new book, along with many other Aussies!

(Okay, okay, I know I’m not as Aussie. Quite.)

So so SO excited! Was already excited when my preview copy of Abigail Ahern’s new book Decorating with Style arrived in the mail today. But then someone pointed out that my blog is mentioned in the directory at the back (alongside blogs like The Selby, The Design Files and Design*Sponge). I couldn’t believe it! I am such a HUGE fan of Abigail’s work I am truly honoured and flattered TO THE MAX! I will of course write a proper review of this gorgeous looking book once I’ve had the chance to get over my shock and give it a good read!

abigal ahern decorating with style

Excuse my star struck goofiness… Thank you so much Abigail!

abigail ahern

On closer inspection, there are a LOT of Aussies credited in the Little Black Book at the back of this book, which is fantastic, especially as Abigail is from the UK!

As well as Interiors Addict, Aussie blogs mentioned include The Design Files, Daily Imprint and Desire to Inspire. Then there’s Sibella Court’s books Nomad, Etcetera and The Stylist’s Guide to NYC and Shannon Fricke’s Sense of Style, Colour & Space. Under magazines you’ll find Vogue Living, Belle, Real Living and Inside Out. Also getting a mention in the directory are Murobond paints, Melbourne’s Comer & King, and Sydney stores Doug Up on Bourke, Ice et la, Koskela and The Society Inc.

Go Aussie! Abigail clearly has fantastic taste!

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

2 replies on “Interiors Addict mentioned in Abigail Ahern’s new book, along with many other Aussies!”

on 9-10 February 2013 The Weekend Australian Magazine featured your pixel ceiling. was that ceiling painted or wallpaper? If the latter, were could we purchase?


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