Interiors Addict

Great deals on interiors coffee table books

Temple & Webster has some great deals on Hardie Grant coffee table books for the discerning interiors addict, starting online this morning.

temple & webster hardie grant interiors book profile

My pick is Decorating with Style by Abigail Ahern, not only because I totally HEART Abi and she was kind enough to mention this blog in the book’s directory, but because it’s a really cool read and I love her unique, rule-breaking approach to decor and the way she writes is exactly as she talks!

Interiors Addict

Abigail Ahern to open a shop in Sydney

Last week I had the great pleasure of interviewing British interior designer Abigail Ahern while she was in Sydney for Decoration + Design. Despite travelling across the globe to be in Australia for a mere three days and having flu, she delighted audiences with her passionate, quirky and rule-breaking approach to interiors. She also revealed to me, to my great excitement, that opening a shop in Sydney in on her to-do list. I know! How exciting is that?


Australians have really embraced Abigail and she is as surprised as the next person. She gets more overseas sales from her London shop (Atelier Abigail Ahern), hits on her blog and Facebook fans from Australia than anywhere else. “I don’t understand it and I’m blown away by it,” says Abigail, who has never had PR representation here or deliberately gone after an Australian audience. “My popularity here knocks my socks off! It’s overwhelming.” As she told me in a previous interview, Abigail believes Australians are more into interiors than any other country, even America. “I would love to open a shop here. I love Sydney so I think it would have to be here. It’s definitely on my to-do list.”

Abigail’s new book, Decorating with Style, was released here last week, eight weeks ahead of its release anywhere else in the world (the benefits of being her biggest fans!) and she is really excited about it. While her first book, A Girl’s Guide to Decorating, was a bestseller, it wasn’t her concept, and she feels she has grown with experience. “The first book was more practical. This one’s more about breaking down barriers and showing that anyone can do it, that you don’t need to be an A list interior designer or have loads of money to have a great interior. I was lucky that I was given the freedom to really write this book in my own voice.”

Decorating with Style Abigail Ahern

Having confidence in your own style is something she really encourages, while acknowledging a lack of it is what holds many people back from experimenting. “People always ask themselves ‘what if it doesn’t work?’ or ‘what if I don’t like it?’ but I don’t approach decorating that way. It doesn’t actually hold me back. People are too scared of making mistakes. When people let go and don’t have rules, that’s when they create the most tantalising interiors. I’d like to inspire people to be more confident.”

Interiors Addict

Interiors Addict mentioned in Abigail Ahern’s new book, along with many other Aussies!

(Okay, okay, I know I’m not as Aussie. Quite.)

So so SO excited! Was already excited when my preview copy of Abigail Ahern’s new book Decorating with Style arrived in the mail today. But then someone pointed out that my blog is mentioned in the directory at the back (alongside blogs like The Selby, The Design Files and Design*Sponge). I couldn’t believe it! I am such a HUGE fan of Abigail’s work I am truly honoured and flattered TO THE MAX! I will of course write a proper review of this gorgeous looking book once I’ve had the chance to get over my shock and give it a good read!

abigal ahern decorating with style

Excuse my star struck goofiness… Thank you so much Abigail!

abigail ahern

On closer inspection, there are a LOT of Aussies credited in the Little Black Book at the back of this book, which is fantastic, especially as Abigail is from the UK!

As well as Interiors Addict, Aussie blogs mentioned include The Design Files, Daily Imprint and Desire to Inspire. Then there’s Sibella Court’s books Nomad, Etcetera and The Stylist’s Guide to NYC and Shannon Fricke’s Sense of Style, Colour & Space. Under magazines you’ll find Vogue Living, Belle, Real Living and Inside Out. Also getting a mention in the directory are Murobond paints, Melbourne’s Comer & King, and Sydney stores Doug Up on Bourke, Ice et la, Koskela and The Society Inc.

Go Aussie! Abigail clearly has fantastic taste!