Bathrooms Expert Tips

Introducing the new Interiors Addict podcast!

We’ve been wanting to launch a podcast for some time and today we’re delighted to share our very first episode! I’m so pleased with the content of this first one, where I interview James Treble from Ten’s The Living Room and Andrew Stenos, managing director of Sydney’s Integriti Bathrooms. You’ll learn everything you ever wanted to know about renovating bathrooms: what’s involved, how much it costs, why it costs that much, how to do a cosmetic upgrade on a budget, the biggest trends and more.

The idea behind the podcast series is for me to sit down and have a relaxed chat with the many personalities and experts we’ve been working with for years, giving you access to their amazing knowledge on a variety of topics which interiors addicts will love and learn from.

I renovated my first bathroom (with Integriti Bathrooms, which is how I know they know their stuff!) last year and it was a massive learning curve and eye opener. And while the actual reno process isn’t always fun (it’s long, noisy, dusty and expensive) I can’t tell you just how worth it it is when you have your brand new bathroom at the end. Those of you who have created your dream bathroom will agree, I’m sure!

Photo: Jacqui Turk

James Treble is well qualified to comment on bathrooms too. His backgrounds in both design and real estate mean he knows what works practically, what looks good and what adds value to a home. He’s also a regular visitor to European trade fairs where he brings back knowledge on the latest trends in furniture, bathrooms and tiles to share with an Australian audience. Plus, he likes a chat!

I really hope you enjoy the podcast and would love to know who you’d like me to have a chat with next and on what topics! Feel free to comment below. Please like and share the podcast too!

This episode is around half an hour. Why not listen on your way to or from work?

Find it free in the iTunes Store.

Or play it via SoundCloud below:

For more on Integriti BathroomsFor more on James Treble

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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