Interiors Addict

Is kantha the next big thing in bed linen?

I’ve seen kantha popping up a few places lately. Could it be the new patchwork or ikat for beds? Laura Hanks-Ruttyn thinks so.

She hopes her new venture, Fossik, will one day feature a diverse collection of off-the-beaten-track wares from far and wide. But she’s starting with Indian kantha quilts, handmade by local artisans from the Thar Desert region. “They’re all handmade, some from new fabrics and others from vintage saris, and are covered in traditional kantha embroidery, which is a simple running stitch. Except for those made from new cloth, this means that all the quilts are unique,” she says.

“These one-of-a-kind textiles wear their history with pride and may show signs of wear, small patches and uneven or loose stitching. Perfect in their imperfection, I consider these features as being inextricably connected to the inherent beauty and wanderlust loveliness of these pieces and believe they provide a refreshing contrast to the mass produced monotony of the west. I’m hoping others feel the same!”

If you’re interested, check out Laura’s blog, which celebrates “creative living inside and out of the home and other random feel-good fragments of life”. I love love LOVE them. From $120 each. Enter the code interiorsaddict at checkout for a 10% discount.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

6 replies on “Is kantha the next big thing in bed linen?”

It does look rather nice, we might be stocking this soon due to the demand what we have been seeing online and on twitter! It does seem to appeal to alot of people and does look rather lovely 🙂

I’ve had a couple for a couple of years and they’re lovely. But, very selfishly, I’m always a bit sad when I find something unusual and it then becomes so popular that it’s everywhere 🙁

Kantha quilts are wonderful addition into home textiles. Also look at the traditional ralli quilts of Pakistan. Kantha quilts are whole cloth quilts also in patchworks, they are beautifully heavily hand stitched. But, ralli quilts from Pakistan are made in patchwork as well as in applique designs. They are also hand sewn and heavily hand stitched. Ralli quilts are also getting internationally popularity due to to their one of a kind designs and rare pattern.

I don’t know what it is about kanthas….but they seem to have a universal appeal. Those lovely soft, washy colors are so dreamy and seem to evoke a more peaceful and contented time….most of them are quite old and you rarely see those kind of cotton sarees anymore with the lovely complex designs. I love the way they smell, they bring my travels in India back, as fresh as a daisy. They always looks so lovely…wonderful design tools.

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