The Block

7 Vignettes with The Block’s Darren Palmer

It’s almost time for the March round of my Instagram photo challenge 7 Vignettes, and next month I’m delighted we have interior designer and judge on The Block Darren Palmer, taking part as our guest judge. Here’s the new list!

7 vignettes March

This month I’ve compiled the list from participants’ suggestions. I hope you like them!ย The lovely Darren will be watching the hashtag and joining in the fun, then helping me pick the winner at the end of the week.

Darren Palmer

This time we have a great prize for the winner; not just a $200 voucher to spend at PADย (Passionate about Design), but also two bespoke cushions from Mantel and Church worth $270.

How to play

If you’re new to 7 Vignettes, here’s how to take part:

1. Refer to the list above. The fun starts on 1 March for 7 days. So, on day 1 your vignette should be inspired by the word white, on day 2 by circles, and so on.

2. Each day, post your vignette to Instagram with the hashtag ย #7vignettes so we can easily find it, and tag Darren (@darrenpalmerinteriors) and I (jenbishop_interiorsaddict).

4. If you miss a day, no worries! But you must post all 7 vignettes by midnight on day 7 to be in with a chance of winning.

5. If you want to submit more than one image each day, go for your life!

If you have any questions, please post them in the comments below and I’ll get back to you. Unfortunately the winner must be in Australia but we love our international friends to take part just for fun!

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

12 replies on “7 Vignettes with The Block’s Darren Palmer”

Hi Jen
Saw you out at Life in Style at the Style Lab, but hadn’t booked so couldn’t join in to your talk. Hope to next year though. But I will certainly be joining in here with 7 vignettes. Looks like fun.
Carolyn xx

Hi Jen,
Thanks heaps for setting up another 7 vignettes for the month of March. I just wanted to let you know how these challenges have brought back to me the joy of looking at what I have, not what I don’t! Of looking at the now not the past. I am trying to re-find myself after years of chronic depression and these challenges and friends I have found on Instagram have been truly a gift to me. It has given me inspiration to renew my blog and also the courage to enroll in Holly Becker’s latest blog e-course also starting tomorrow. I am so looking forward to the month of March! Thank you x Fi

Hi! I’m new to this page and can i just say… I LOVE IT!
I’m interested by the 7 Vignettes and want to participate, but I just wanted to clarify something.
With each topic over the 7 days, does it have to be interior design related? ie, cushion patterns, wallpapers etc

Hey! First timer to this challange. Does the image need to be photographed by myself or can it be an image i have come accross. Thanks Jen.

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