House Rules

frankie magazine’s SPACES volume 3 interiors book sneak peek

frankie’s house-loving interiors book, SPACES, is back with Volume Three, promising to be as busting with good stuff as ever.


Released last week, it features homes and homes-away-from-home from all around Australia – from inner-city Melbourne to sunny Alice Springs. They’ve also made a hop, skip and a jump across the Tasman to visit some spaces in New Zealand, and meet the creative Kiwis who live in them.


What makes these places special is the time, care and imagination taken to piece them together – whether they’re an eclectic share house, a travelling van, a tiny flat, or a rural gem.


Buy online for $24.95.

Take a look at the videos below for a peek at some of the creative folk and places you’ll discover inside the pages of SPACES.

spaces (volume three) by frankie magazine. on sale now! from frankie magazine on Vimeo.

House Tours

Frankie magazine reveal second interiors book

If you love this blog and you love Frankie magazine, get excited, because they’re about to publish volume two of their interiors book, Spaces, full of more all-Aussie homes belonging to local creative types. It’s been four years since the first book, which of course sits in my own extensive collection! Volume two is available for pre-order now and you can learn more by watching this short video.

You can expect lived in homes and work spaces which are decidedly not fancy! “With a focus on resourcefulness and individual style, Spaces celebrates the importance of home to a creative bunch of Australians.”

Pre-order for $24.95 for delivery at the beginning of next month.

frankie spaces

Interiors Addict

Kara Rosenlund, Frankie and pavlova at The School’s first birthday

Kara Rosenlund and I (top right)
Kara Rosenlund and I (top right)

There are many reasons why I enjoyed The School’s first birthday celebrations this afternoon. Firstly, I finally got to meet stylist and photographer Kara Rosenlund (and her lovely husband Timothy O) who I’ve been a big fan of for a long time now. They brought their vintage caravan Frankie and all kinds of gorgeous wares, all the way from Queensland. Was lovely to have a peek inside and peruse her great collection of vintage lovelies for sale. And Kara was every bit as genuine and nice as I imagined. I wish I had the time to have done one of her vignette classes this week.

Interiors Addict

Kara and her caravan are coming to Sydney

I have always wanted to meet Kara Rosenlund, the stylist and owner of Frankie the caravan, from which she runs her Travelling Wares store. Only problem is, she is in up in Queensland. However, this weekend, she will be in Sydney, at Megan Morton’s The School, on both days! She sets off on Wednesday and is bringing Frankie, with lots of lovely wares for sale, with her! I ‘m so not missing this so I’ll be there on the Sunday. If you see me, say hi!


There’s all sorts of cool stuff happening at The School this weekend on account of it being its first birthday. From 10am to 4pm on both days, go along for a visit, a free pavlova party and a free kids craft class. Find out more at The School’s website.

Interiors Addict

Learn how to create vignettes from Kara Rosenlund at The School

If you took part in the very first 7 Vignettes, my monthly Instagram photo/styling challenge, you’ll remember the lovely Kara Rosenlund was the guest judge. As well as being very generous with her comments and advice on participants’ efforts, we also saw how AMAZING she is at styling vignettes in her home with the most ordinary of objects (sometimes even chooks!).

Stylist Kara Rosenlund
Stylist Kara Rosenlund
Interiors Addict

Belle and Frankie win at Australian Magazine Awards this morning

Belle was named best home & garden magazine at the Australian Magazine Awards (AMAs) this morning. Well deserved, I’d say!

Frankie, another magazine I have huge respect for as both a reader and a journalist, won the overall top title of magazine of the year. Read about all the winners here.