
Love or hate?: the Accademia POP bath tub by Teuco

I love my baths but this limited edition one just isn’t for me. What do you think though? Do you like it?


At more than $15,000 this is a serious investment. Teuco call it a collector’s item; the perfect portrayal of marriage between fashion and design. Designed by Carlo Colombo, it’s a mix between classicism and post-modernism. 


In producing this bath, they have exploited to the maximum the versatility and expressive potential of Duralight. The patented material is produced and processed exclusively by Teuco and is 100% pliable. The finish is also resistant to external agents, meaning it keeps its pristine finish.

I might not like it, but this bath won the Red Dot Best of the Best 2014 product design award.

Teuco is distributed nationally and exclusively by DELSA.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

6 replies on “Love or hate?: the Accademia POP bath tub by Teuco”

It looks like a colourful plastic bowl that you serve chips in at a party.
I don’t like it either, the first thing that came to mind was that it looked tacky.
I like baths to look relaxing and inviting, I don’t want to feel like I’m the last potato chip.

The bath is nice…the print on it, hideous. In crisp white, or a stone colour, i’d love it…But as is, it’s a bit of a flop because yes as Hannah writes, it’s like those cheap chip bowls you buy at the bargain shop, the type we try to use for outdoor nibbles, but somehow ends up being used inside too…..and for salads…..blush xx

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