
Love or hate?: the Accademia POP bath tub by Teuco

I love my baths but this limited edition one just isn’t for me. What do you think though? Do you like it?


At more than $15,000 this is a serious investment. Teuco call it a collector’s item; the perfect portrayal of marriage between fashion and design. Designed by Carlo Colombo, it’s a mix between classicism and post-modernism. 


In producing this bath, they have exploited to the maximum the versatility and expressive potential of Duralight. The patented material is produced and processed exclusively by Teuco and is 100% pliable. The finish is also resistant to external agents, meaning it keeps its pristine finish.

I might not like it, but this bath won the Red Dot Best of the Best 2014 product design award.

Teuco is distributed nationally and exclusively by DELSA.